On Friday evening at about 6.20 I was sitting at home
minding my own business when my landline phone rang. As usual I had the handset
with me in my room so I answered it. "Hello." I said.
"Is that Ben Emlyn-Jones?" asked a gruff male
voice with an upper class accent.
"I think you should have nothing more to do with Caz
Clarke. She is a liar and a con... (He either said "con artist" or "con-woman".
I missed the last part of the word because I interrupted him.)
"Who are you?" I butted in.
"It doesn't matter who I am. This is just some friendly
advice. Stay away from Caz Clarke."
"Who are you?" I repeated, but he ended the call.
I dialed call-back, but it was a withheld number. I
contacted my telecommunications service and the polite Filipino operator
explained to me that there was no way he could trace that call, but he gave me
some advice on nuisance or scam calls. A few minutes later the service sent me
an email with an information package. It is very unusual that I would receive
any unsolicited calls because the landline number at my home is ex-directory.
Only about twenty people have that number and they are people I know and trust.
The only exceptions are the relatives and friends of my two housemates who are
mostly in Sudan
and are not acquainted in any way with me. I certainly didn't recognize the
mysterious posh voice on the other end.
Regular readers will know that Caz Clarke is a UFO sighting
witness from south Wales whom I have been working closely with recently along
with the field researcher Gari Jones, see background links below. I do not
think she is a con-woman for the reasons I explain in those links. I've thought
over what happened on Friday and I suspect somebody is concerned about my
upcoming talk in Denmark ,
see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2018/10/ben-emlyn-jones-live-in-denmark.html.
The call came the day after I sent my slides package to the organizers UFO Danmark. Did my email unknowingly
reach... other recipients? Caz has reported how she herself has been harassed
in a similar way by weird people making contact with her. Not that the phone
call I had was threatening or even particularly intimidating. However, it has
made me aware of some possible interest behind the scenes in the Pentyrch UFO
incident, the people who were there when it happened and researchers like me who
take an interest in it. The thing is, I am planning to mention this case in my
talk in Copenhagen on Saturday.
Perhaps somebody doesn't want this subject going international. Well, I am
certainly not altering my lecture because of an anonymous caller. I have
checked all travel and entry requirements for Denmark
and have made sure I comply with them to the letter. I will make sure my luggage
contains no contraband at all. Therefore if on some trumped up excuse I am
turned back at customs you should be suspicious. I consider this very unlikely,
but just in case it happens, I want it on the record.
See here for
background: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2018/11/pentyrch-ufo.html.