defence secretary has just announced that
is threatening to "destabilize" the
Baltic States,
whatever that means: the three countries of the
Baltic States
Estonia. He
said "I'm worried about Putin." He certainly is worried, but why?
Since the crisis broke out in
last year the Russian president Vladimir Putin has been constantly blamed for
it and has equally constantly protested his innocence. The conflict is purely
internal, he says, and
itself has not been funding and arming the ethnic pro-Russian separatists in
the region. The West has accused him of lying and has supposedly presented
evidence that proves that Putin is behind a lot of the terrible bloodshed going
on in
right now. The cherry on the cake was the destruction of Malaysia Airlines
flight 17. The weapon used was allegedly a Buk surface-to-air missile that is produced
by the Russian military although the forensic investigation was such a shambles
that I wonder how any narrative could be retrieved from it; but that hasn't
stopped the media before so why should it now? Some researchers have also
claimed that a Ukrainian fighter jet was near the airliner at the time. We've
also been told that
is "anti-gay". During the Sochi Winter Olympics there were huge
organized protests involving celebrities like Elton John and Lady Gaga. To his
discredit, the former contributor to
People's Voice Peter Tatchell has added his penny's worth, see:
However homosexuality is not a crime in post-Soviet
and no consenting adults have been persecuted by the state for it. Sometimes
LGBT people are attacked violently on the street by thugs and that is a
terrible crime, I agree, but this violence is not sanctioned by the state. Homosexuals
can serve in the armed forces and gay couples can adopt children. The age of consent
is the same for both gay and straight people. The laws which are said to be
"homophobic" simply prevent distasteful activity during street events and protect small children from being exposed to the reality
of sex at too young an age. This is a good move in my view; children are
sexualized younger and younger these days, not just about gay people, but
generally. This ties in with what Common Purpose are doing in the
and it deeply concerns me. A former Canadian Winter Olympic skater, who lives
Russia and is
a homosexual himself, has gone public saying that
is "a great place to be gay!"
in the modern world is rather like an individual in a group who none of the
other members like, but for a reason they don't want to declare openly. So they
keep coming up with excuses and find fault with him in other extraneous ways.
I think that the real reason the rest of the world doesn't
Russia is
because Vladimir Putin is not doing what he's told by the rulers of the rest of
the world. Since 2008 the International Monetary Fund has been "kindly
lending a helping hand" to nations all over the world. It's been loaning
them lots of money at a high rate of interest and then reeling them in
afterwards when they can't pay up. They've been aided and abetted by traitors
within the governments of those countries. This is what has ruined nations like
Spain. They
have now been effectively repossessed by the banking system that plans to
financially enslave and dissolve all sovereign states under the New World
along with
is one of the few states who've refused to get involved in these schemes.
has also avoided the economically suicidal practice of selling off its gold
stocks at discount prices. In 2002 the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon
Brown did this and condemned
to financial devastation as a result... on purpose I think, see:
Russia is also
very possessive over its natural resources, which are highly abundant and
potentially lucrative. Its territory, by far the biggest in the world, contains
oil fields, gas fields, fertile farmland and huge lodes of all kinds of
minerals. The Russian oil industry is also tacitly aware that oil is not really
a fossil fuel and naturally replenishes itself over time. Russian oil companies
have found that if depleted wells are left alone for ten or twenty years, when
somebody comes back to them they'll find viable pressure has returned. The globalised
oil industry is terrified that this information will leak out because if it did
the price of oil would fall through the floor never to rise again, see here for
more details:
Russia is also
sitting on a cornucopia of UFO secrets as Putin's Prime Minister Dmitri
Medvedev has accidentally let slip, see:
Russia could end
up being the "nation of Disclosure" and this puts them at a huge
advantage on the world stage, see:
This is why the
United States,
Europe and its allies are always in
face with one criticism or another. Not content with blaming Putin for the
crisis in
they now want to pin problems in the Baltic on his arse, ones that haven't even
emerged in full yet. No doubt at some point Putin will be accused of killing
off the dinosaurs. In the current edition of
Nexus magazine there is an article by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
From Energy War to Currency War
which claims the West is in practice waging a multi-spectrum war on
by trying to sabotage its economy. (The article can be bought individually
here, but I recommend reading the whole magazine:
These are the real reasons behind the sanctions imposed by the neoconservative
hawks in
Washington DC
who hold Obama's puppet strings. This takes the form of financial terrorism, but
also propaganda in the media; in fact yesterday's
Daily Mail headline was the hysterical: "BRITAIN AT THE MERCY
OF PUTIN'S PLANES!" Another method has been to undermine
industry and smear its technological speculations. The sudden crash in the
value of the rouble,
currency, is not accidental; it was engineered by these anti-Russian political
aggressors. The same goes for the worldwide drop in the price of oil. This was
done on purpose, solely in order to give
a hard time.
is under siege and is feeling it badly, see:
This is a video from the Henry Jackson Society which also has the deeply
Orwellian name of the "Centre for Social Cohesion". It is a British
neoconservative think tank and of course its
pundit Dr Andrew Foxall, demonizes
is striking back. This is why we are seeing its bombers and fighters exercising
off the coast of
Cornwall and its
ships passing back and forth through the
English Channel.
Russian submarines have also been detected off the coast of
Putin is a tough and wily statesman; he's working hard to free himself from
these onslaughts. He is developing alliances with the countries not currently
in league with the
United States
Europe, like
China. He's
made a deal to build a natural gas pipeline to
replacing the one originally planned for
that was scuppered by the neocons. Putin has also reopened negotiations with
the "sleeping superpower",
He's hoping to work out his differences with them and become a trading partner.
onboard we could be dealing with what looks like an entire pole opposed to the
machinations of the New World Order. This has led some people in the Truth
movement to begin lauding Putin as an anti-NWO hero. Dave Starbuck calls him a
"white hat", see:
However, the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend. We don't know
exactly what Putin's motives are, except that he seems sincere and clearly wants
what's best for his country. This does not mean he would support a complete
demolition of world Illuminati occupation. The full spectrum of the West's war
on Putin might one day include shooting; it's a very volatile situation. Unlike
Afghanistan and
is perfectly capable of shooting back and this could lead to many other nations
being sucked in and end up in World War III which could destroy the entire planet...
Maybe that's the idea; it pays not to underestimate NWO craftiness. Also
is controlled by the Li Illuminati bloodline, as it was during the communist
era and how it was in the days of the emperors; and
is the hired muscle that
is hoping will fight its corner. So I'm not convinced at all that Putin is any
kind of Truth movement activist. However compared to most other politicians in
the world at the moment he's a veritable angel, and one of the few I'd trust to
tell me the time of day; another being Johanna Sigarthardottir the Prime
Minister of Iceland. I don't know how this matter will pan out, but I feel
confident that so long as we all remain on the ball and thinking independently,
we'll manage alright. I do not embrace Vladimir Putin as a comrade-in-arms, but
I do sense he can do some good for the world, even if he doesn't know it or
even genuinely intend it.