After the victory of Donald Trump in the recent US
presidential election a common refrain was that the American people were simply
not willing to elect a "Woman!" president. This is an excuse not to
face up the fact that the Democrats' last two female candidates were such corrupt
and untrustworthy harridans. That's why they lost. If they put a decent woman
on the ticket she'd gain more votes. As somebody so often accused of misogyny,
it might surprise you to learn that one of my favourite statespeople in the
world is Tulsi Gabbard. The young Hawaiian and lapsed Dem has shown herself to
be dedicated, honest, patriotic and open-minded. She is not perfect, but
compared to the bureaucrats of the previous regime she is excellent. She is
very antiwar; being a former nurse in a field hospital she has seen the results
of it firsthand. I was very pleased when she was picked by Trump to be his Director
of National Intelligence. Every cabinet member in the United
States has to go through a "confirmation
hearing" which is rather like an elaborate job interview. The legislators
can be robust and demanding in this session, especially if they oppose the
administration. Tulsi will also be regarded as a traitor by the Dem Senators
and Representatives. I was curious to see if she said anything about UFO's. Her
predecessor Avril Haines did, famously coining the adverb
"extraterrestrially", see:
Haines did this at an informal public interview in a church, but she never
referred to the alien presence in any official capacity. Amazing, Tulsi Gabbard
has done so. She volunteers the information in her opening statement: "In our meetings, many of you
expressed bipartisan frustration about recent intelligence failures and the
lack of responsiveness to your requests for information... UAP's, drones and
more. If confirmed, I look forward to working with you on these issues."
She also brings up the origins of Covid and refused to call Edward Snowden a
traitor. Source:
It is very significant that she has made this stance at such a crucial point in
her career. She could be excused for omitting the little green men when having
to prove herself to the panel of belligerent lawmakers. This means that she
intends to take the matter of NHI very seriously when entering office, the
highest position of the military and intelligence infrastructure of the United
States . This comes at a time when the new
administration has been giving our mixed messages, and that has been confusing
and disappointing, see:
I'm pleased to say Tulsi has gained the votes she needed. The committee stuck
to party lines and the GOP are the majority. Source:
(Robert F Kennedy Jr, Trump's other most controversial pick, also passed in his
bid to head the Health and Human Services department, see:
With Tulsi Gabbard in charge can the don't-look-don't-tell attitude to UFO's
really continue?
See here for background:
See here for background:
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