I've come across a video whose title and thumbnail compelled
me to watch it; and unlike most similar clickbait this did not disappoint. It
tells the strange story of the "Minnesota Iceman". This was a sideshow
display that toured numerous venues in the late 1960's displaying the frozen
body of what looked like a Bigfoot or similar creature that had been shot and
killed. Despite its name, it's not certain that the creature came from Minnesota
USA. The tour manager claimed it came from Siberia where
such creatures are known as Almasty. He
said it also might have been a Vietnamese "rock-ape". It was
supposedly owned by a millionaire from California
who wished to remain anonymous. The FBI and Canadian customs once investigated
it because they thought it might be a human who had been murdered but took no
further action when they realized that the creature was obviously not human. The
iceman was investigated by two pioneers of cryptozoology, Bernard Heuvelmans
and Ivan T Sanderson. After careful study they concluded decisively that the
iceman was real. Sanderson even gave it a Latin name, Homo pongoides. They completely dismissed the common accusation that
it was a hoax in their very detailed 1968 report. But then something strange
happened. The exhibit was withdrawn from display for a while and when it
returned, the being in the ice block was now very obviously a latex dummy. This
was sold on Ebay in 2013. Why the switch, and what happened to the original
corpse? This iceman's promoter, Frank Hansen, relates that in 1969, shortly
after Sanderson and Heuvelmans' article was published, he was visited by some
"officials" who told him the body needed to be taken away for
examination. He never saw it again. What he got back was the rubber model. Source:
Now, these recurring incidents of state actors confiscating
evidence of esoteric phenomena and suppressing knowledge of their existence is
a very common theme in UFOlogy, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/02/ufo-disclosure-portal.html.
Possible motives include fear of how the revelation that we are not alone could
affect trust in government, academia and the church etc; or that ET propulsion
and energy generation technology could ruin the oil industry. I've even asked
whether the same applies to other branches of fantastical study, for example
see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2023/06/afterlife-portal.html.
How on earth could we knowing we share this planet with another upright ape
cause any harm? There must be a reason because this is not the only example of
such a conspiracy, see the background link below. The answer could lie in the
field of strategic psychological warfare. It could be detrimental, from the
government's position, for humans to know we share this planet with such
creatures. Upright locomotion is rare in the animal kingdom. Humans are the
only known living primate which walks like that. Our closest known relatives,
the chimpanzee and gorilla, walk on all fours because they are primarily tree
dwellers. There are many extinct apes which walk upright and it could be
Bigfoot is one wrongly listed as extinct when it is not, like the coelacanth.
Its description matches a very big upright walking ape known through the fossil
records as Gigantopithecus blacki which
supposedly died out a hundred thousand years ago. Maybe it didn't. The mass
psychological and cultural effect of Bigfoot, Yowie or the Yeti etc being real
could cause people to think and feel in a way the authorities do not want us
to. It might give us a subversive affinity with the natural world. Not to
mention the fact that all the mainstream scientists would have to admit they
were wrong and, as we know, many of them don't like doing that; including some
of the most influential ones with media careers, for example see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2017/03/cern-disproves-ghosts.html.
Therefore Bigfoot hunters may need to take the same precautions that UFOlogists
do. Be prepared for a cover-up the moment you make your report. Collect
evidence and keep it secret; photos, DNA samples, spoor plaster-casts etc.
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2022/11/cryptozoology-portal.html.
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2022/11/cryptozoology-portal.html.
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