The researcher and activist Commonly-known-as Dom has been part of the Occupy Movement in London and other places and harassed by the other people there. This is because they have very foolishly invited the Tavistock Institute into the Tent City to perform one of their “Social Dreaming” workshops and Dom has tried to alert them to the danger. These people are not to be trusted! They are trained and professional manipulators of the human mind! "Lots of Derren Browns" as Dom calls them. See here for Dom’s film about his experiences:
As I say in the background article, I knew one of the founders of the Tavistock Institute. Apologies, HPANWO-readers; I wasn't quite honest in the article because it was an obituary that my family were going to read, but the time for mourning is over. Isabel Menzies Lyth was a "friend" of my mum's. She was one of the nastiest, most emotionally-abusive and manipulative people I've ever known. And she was one of the founders of the Tavistock Institute along with John Rawlings-Rees, Wilfred Bion and others in the 1940's. Tavistock has a long history in acting all friendly and sympathetic to trick their way in through the door of genuine grass roots activist movements. They infiltrated and destroyed the Counterculture of the 1960's. I hope history is not about to repeat itself.
Here's an interview with Isabel, I wonder how much of her hostility you can see here:
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