Tuesday 27 February 2024

Crazy Plane Lady back on TV

Tiffany Gomas, the Crazy Plane Lady, has once again emerged from her hermit cabin in the woods to do another exclusive television interview. This time she had a brief slot on Prime Time with Alex Stein. Alex Stein is a comedian who started off on social media, but became so successful he has effectively joined the mainstream. The programme begins with a rather unsubtle product placement ad for the Italian restaurant chain Olive Garden; and Alex and Ms Gomas do a rather gross Lady and the Tramp imitation of sharing a bowl of spaghetti. Alex then announces that his friend Jimmy is such a big fan that he is naming his baby daughter Tiffany after Her Craziness. The programme then cuts to another scene later when the baby is two months old. Despite showing lots of photos of her smiling, Tiffany Jr does not look very cheerful when she meets her namesake. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrH1m5mAL-o. There is no discussion in this show about Tiffany Gomas' past or the reason she achieved this level of public prominence in the first place. It's possible she has now changed strategy and plans to leave all that behind to become simply another one of these "famous because she's famous" kinds of celebrity.
See here for background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2023/11/crazy-plane-lady-update-2.html.


Anonymous said...

Happily the baby didn't appear to have weird reptilian eyeballs...

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Yes it would have not have been nice if Ms Gomas had freaked out in front of the baby. It might make her parents regret the name they had chosen.

Anonymous said...

What news of the 10 foot tall being in the Miami mall that had everyone running for their lives not so long ago? Seems to have gone a bit quiet on that front.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Some more investigators who live locally have gone to visit the mall. I've heard nothing more recently, not enough for me to post an update.