Friday, 1 November 2024

A Roswell Near Me?

I've come across the most peculiar news story, and this time it's a local one; well, fairly local. A man was out walking his dog...I know!... but he was not on Cannock Chase this time, he was in a parkland area called Larden Chase in Streatley, in Berkshire just outside Oxfordshire. It is on the riverbank opposite Goring-on-Thames. He spotted a strange object lying on the ground which he identified as a crashed satellite and said it was making a "fuzzy" noise. A number of people had gathered round the object taking photographs and somebody had put up some red exclusion rope around it, and a crude handwritten sign stating: "Space authority aware. Do not touch this Binoclarit (DR) satellite." There was no punctuation so I'm not sure whether these sentences are properly formed. I don't know what "binoclarit" means. I tried Googling it and came up with the news story below. Somebody suggested it might be a portmanteau that means "binocular it"; in other words, don't approach the object and instead just observe it from a safe distance via a magnifying device. The object is roughly cylindrical and metallic. It has some silvery pipe-like structures emerging from it including a long straight tube or rod with a corrugated cylinder on the end of it. There is a light blue band running around the main structure with some black marks on it that looks to me like a character from the Chinese or Japanese script. It's hard to estimate the object's size from the photo; but based on the grass it's lying on, I'd say the cylinder module is two to three feet long. The police claim it is a hoax. Source: Personally, it looks to me like a domestic heating boiler, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. I doubt very much that it is a satellite, let alone something more exotic. If so there would be more than red string and handwritten placards next to it. However, the fact that this possibility leapt to people's minds so easily is indicative of the popularity ET and secret space concepts enjoy these days, and that's a positive development.
See here for more information:

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