Saturday, 13 April 2019

David Icke predicted 2016

It seems to have slipped from most people's memory today, but in the years leading up to 2012 there was a rumpus in the UFO/paranormal/conspiracy theory community that resembled the more mainstream one leading up to the second Gregorian millennium in the year 2000. This was because the change in the "long count" of the Mayan calendar. As it happened, absolutely nothing unusual took place on that long awaited and long feared day and many people were very disappointed... and some were relieved. However, many of us realized in advance that the transformation which comes about by the deep spiritual energies that the Mayans discovered are far more subtle than the cheap Hollywood simplicity that many alternative people anticipated. See the background links for my extensive coverage of this strange and controversial period of time. One of those who twigged was one of the biggest names in the business and one of my most fertile influences, David Icke. In 2013 he gave an interview where he explained how the transformation of 2012 would not produce instant tangible results; instead it would begin an energetic process that would only manifest in the material world a while later; he estimated about four years later, 2016... 2016! Of course, this is exactly what I have found, see: In fact he believes 2012 was a distraction. He correctly identifies how the mainstream media corralled our perception of it. Source: (I must say, I gave a hearty chuckle when I noticed the last figure of the video's URL!). I find it ironic therefore that David has such a dismissive attitude to President Trump. He regards Trump as just another insider, one more Illuminati gopher like most other US presidents, another front man for the New World Order. In fact nothing could be further from the truth for the reasons I explain in my film Why 2016 Matters, see link above; and many other publications, some of which I link to in the film's HPANWO TV post. Still, I've never believed that David Icke is perfect. Oddly enough David does get it right about Brexit and I can't understand this contradiction in his theory, see: David is not alone in his error. Stephen Bassett makes the same mistake about Trump, see: and: I cannot force people to change their minds when they make a mistake. Also, it will achieve nothing if I get angry and start berating them. All I can do is patiently, politely and calmly try and persuade to change their ways through logic and reason. No doubt for them the opposite is the case, and they see me as the dupe who needs to be drawn back to the right hand path. I have interacted with such people in good faith and I maintain that, in my experience so far, they are wrong.


Laurence said...

I agree wholeheartedly Ben, President Trump is no insider. This is evident. No need to look any farther than the relentless slandering by the NWO media. Thankfully, the President is on the side of right and history will record that, while the present hegemony will be consigned to the file marked 'Traitor'.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

I feel the same way, Laurence. It's a great time to be alive, as David says.