Thursday, 21 February 2019

Peter Robbins on Paranormal Mysteries

In this article,, I made Peter Robbins a promise. I shall continue to keep it now. Peter has appeared on the show Paranormal Mysteries on Access North West radio presented by Sacha Christie, see: where he once again runs through his dispute with his former co-author Larry Warren. It is a response to this interview with Larry: Much of what is discussed are points Peter and Sacha have both made before and I have addressed before, see the background links below. Others have also been addressed in Larry's interview with Tino Megaro, see: I will focus on the new information and, as I expected, that accounts for only a small proportion of the two-hour interview. Peter describes the origins of the book he co-wrote and now denounces, Left at East Gate. His description can be summed up as: Peter good- Larry bad. Obviously there is another side to that story. He accuses Gary Heseltine and me of "drinking the Kool Aid" and he quotes Stanton Friedman's favourite phrase when parodying the skeptics: "Don't bother me with the facts, my mind's made up". However, in my view this applies to Peter and the others who have believed the trolls. I explain why in the background links. Then Peter says something very strange indeed. He claims that the anti-Semitic attack that I describe in the background links above and below took place on November the 9th last year; this is the day before his father passed away. However, in the "Robbinsic 12" document he states quite clearly that he was alerted to the attack on October the 13th. This was at least two days after it was posted because, as I explain in the background, the trolls wanted the anti-Semitic comment visible on my Facebook feed for as long as possible. Where does this discrepancy come from? Another mistake Peter and Sacha make is at around the 1 hour 18 minute mark where they address Larry's foreign school exchange and claim that the English children he stayed with would have been too young. Actually there often is an age difference in these kinds of exchanges. I went on two when I was aged fourteen and fifteen; and I was placed with two boys aged eighteen and twenty years old respectively. Apart from the above points the rest of the show was the same-old same-old.

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