Tuesday 1 October 2024

Don't Call it "Wales"!

I've come across a worrying increase in content from Welsh social media users discussing whether the English name for Wales should be abolished and replaced with Cymru. They say things like: "Rename our country Cymru!" This is a nonsensical statement because it is already called Cymru; this is the name for the country in her own language, Welsh or Cymraeg. When speaking Welsh you always refer to Wales as Cymru, in the same way you refer to England as Lloegr, France as Ffrainc and Germany as Almaen. However, if Frenchmen want to refer to Wales they have their own indigenous term: Pays des Galles. What these keyboard warriors are saying is that the specific name for Wales should be abolished from only the English language. The next edition of the Newspeak Dictionary would therefore list the country as being called "Cymru". We've seen this kind of thing a lot in geography lately. Names that I used to know for countries and cities such as Turkey, Peking, Bombay and Burma have vanished from maps, travel brochures and the media. In the recent Paris Olympics the BBC insisted on addressing the Turkish medal-winning shooting team as "Türkiye". There are movements to continue this practice. New Zealand should be changed to Aotearoa and India, one of the oldest nations on earth, is to be called Bharat. This is nothing more than a typical vulgar act of wokery, no doubt justified by a platitudes about "colonialism" and "Eurocentrism". I refuse to comply with it, as I do all of this cultural Marxist mind-venom. As far as Wales goes, my own homeland, this development is actually very predictable. Y Senedd Cymru, the Welsh parliament, which I visited recently, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2024/01/visiting-senedd.html, love this kind of thing. It's what you'd expect from such a bunch of glorified town councillors when they're suddenly put in charge of a country. Here's an earlier example of their malice: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2021/07/sarah-everard-update.html.

This is all toxic rubbish that feeds what I call the CVD- Celtic Victimhood Delusion. It is one of the most destructive deceptions ever played on us and it has allowed Brussels globalists to take over half of our home islands, see background links below. Sadly, it is believed in by most Welsh people. I'm not just criticizing my own country; in fact Scotland is far worse. The CVD is a very culturally ingrained myth. They truly believe that it is physically impossible for our country to have any other foreign enemy than England. As a result other foreign enemies have just waltzed in unopposed; in fact they have even been welcomed. Perhaps this is an understandable mistake considering our history, but it's time to get over it! We Welsh people must update our mental and cultural software. Those days are over and we now live in a very different world. The CVD is inspiring a cascade of lies such as English people being "not really native British" and calling them "Anglo-Saxon invaders"; which is false, as I explain in my Senedd video linked above. Like all people who gain power, lack responsibility, suffer from low intelligence and feel demographic hatred, they are poised to commit cruelty and injustice. For example, a community council in Gwynedd wants council houses to be granted only to Welsh-speakers. Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckg17r60lkvo. This is supported by many people as "encouragement" to learn Welsh; yet this is not encouragement, it is actually tantamount to coercion. It is only encouraging people in the same way Justin Trudeau encouraged Canadian lorry drivers to have a medical treatment, see: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2022/01/trevors-trucker-footage.html. This council is calling for people to be forced to use the language, against their will if necessary. At this rate a time is going to come when the Anglophone Welsh are going to have to fight for their rights. The only solution to this dark path Wales is heading down is to speak out and oppose it. We can hope that our words find their way to more sensible ears who have the ability to change things before it is too late
See here for background: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2021/08/political-correctness-portal.html.
And: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2019/10/brexit-portal.html.

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