Some livestreams on YouTube can be very long. Since the
platform lifted restrictions on the duration, live broadcasts of days and even
weeks in length have been posted. One of the most unusual began on May the 11th 2021 . It was posted from
a channel created six days earlier. It's a channel that is almost blank in design.
There is no banner, no avatar, no subs, no faves. It has a strange name: "使命langrenus2021-14".
Langrenus is a large impact crater on the moon. No spacecraft has ever visited
that location... or so we're told. The numbers after the word probably refer to
the current year, 2021; although the meaning of "14" is unknown. The Chinese
sigils at the begining, mean "mission" or "errand". China
has recently carried out some highly successful landings on the moon, but not
in the Langrenus crater, see:
However, the livestream appears to show a location on the lunar surface. The
shot comes from a static camera and the quality is of fairly low resolution,
similar to the performance of early Apollo footage. The channel livestreamed
continuously for a week and then stopped. The vista occasionally changes, but
the images are mostly very monotonous. The camera hardly moves and almost no
other objects can be seen. There is a soundtrack in some sections, but it is
very indisticnt and full of static. Occasionally voices can be vaguely heard
and even music. At present the livestream recording is not available on the
channel and only one short clip is public, see:
Obviously, this could be a fake, a clever charade put
together as a prank to draw attention from YouTube viewers. It might have been
inspired as a parody of NASA's rolling livestreams from Mars and the
International Space Station. There are many reasons to be suspicious. The frame
darkens and lightens through a regular twenty-four hour period like the earth's
night and day; yet the moon has no night or daytime, only phases that cycle
over the course of twenty-nine and a half days. However, some of the shots show
the earth in the exact place you would expect to see it from the Langrenus
crater, at about ten degrees elevation. It is also in it own correct phase
(From an observer on the moon, the earth appears to have phases in the exact
way the moon does from the earth, only they are opposite. A crescent moon from
earth looks like a "gibbous earth" from the moon). It is the proper
size too, based on its relative size and distance. This would be diffiuclt to
reproduce and no open-souce software or application, such as Google Moon, can do
that. Fabricating such a panorama aurthentically would be a massive and
sophisticated task. Luckily a few people recorded some of the livestream and,
despite its samey nature, the last few minutes are extraordinary. What looks
like a human hand moves in front of the lens. Then the camera is moved from
whatever mount it is on and wheeled around; we see the black sky and the sunlit
ground. After that the feed is cut and never resumes, see:
The 使命Langrenus2021-14
channel is totally anonymous. Nobody knows who set it up and no further
information has come from the uploader. Since the end, on May the 18th, there
has only been the solitary aforementinoed clip posted. Could this video really
be a real livestream from the moon? If so then who is doing it? How did they
get to that spot when no known mission has ever landed there? It has to be a
manned mission because of the hand we see at the end. According to researchers
into the secret space programme, there is indeed a covert human presence on the
moon not acknowleged by the public space agencies; for example see:
Interestingly this twenty year old BBC article discusses the discovery of
anomalous phenomena in the Langrenus crater that could be caused by some kind
of artificial facility; either human, extraterrestrial or both, see:
If this is a real video from a secret lunar base, how did it end up on YouTube?
This must be some kind of leak from a whistleblower. I wonder if we will hear
anything else from them. If so you can be sure you will read about it first on
See here for background:
See here for background: