Tuesday, 28 April 2020

AATIP Videos Declassified

The United States government has announced that it is declassifying the three US Navy gun camera clips known as the AATIP footage. These fell into the hands of the press and TTSA in December 2017. In 2019 the Pentagon admitted that AATIP was a real thing and that the footage was genuine. Earlier this year they stated that they had much more evidence; both further visual and also telemetry, radar logs and firing solutions etc. Source: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/unidentified-aerial-phenomena-pentagon-officially-releases-3-leaked-us-navy-ufo-videos/ar-BB13iqjY?li=AAnZ9Ug See the background links below for the history of this subject. The official declassification of the AATIP videos is really just a formality, seeing as the material has already been leaked; a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. However, in legal terms it could prove to be significant because there is far more evidence currently classified, as we conspiratorial UFOlogists have always said, and we could now be looking at a precedent that will continue. How far, I cannot even guess. I know many people think this is all disinformation. I don't agree for reasons I state in the background links. One could be forgiven for thinking that what I always previously said was impossible, controlled Disclosure, might actually happen. If it does... all bets are off!

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