Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Goodbye to another "Friend"

I have lost another friendship, the fifth or sixth in the last two years. This is more that I did for the entire twenty years before, that I have been in the UFO/Paranormal/Conspiracy Theory community. How many more will follow? My former friend, I'll call him "Person 1", is somebody I worked closely with on several occasions, somebody I really thought was sincerely dedicated to the mission of the Truth movement. What's more he has been directly affected by the evil of the Illuminati in his own life. One evening we were talking on the telephone when he told me about an argument he had had with somebody else in the Conspirasphere, somebody who was, and still is, a close friend of mine; I'll called him "Person 2". Person 1 was furious with Person 2 and gave me a long detailed narrative of everything he had allegedly done wrong. Then Person 1 told me that Person 2 had committed a horrific misdemeanour; one that, if true, would definitely lead to an immediate criminal prosecution. I asked Person 1 why such a prosecution had not taken place. He didn't answer the question and ended the conversation politely, but a couple of weeks later I noticed that he had unfriended me on Facebook. Clearly he wanted nothing more to do with me and was removing me from the project we had both worked on. I sent him the following message:
Hi (Person 1). I notice you've unfriended me. I'm guessing this is because I disagree with you about (Person 2); I can't think of any other reason. So be it. I refuse to condemn a man who has never been convicted in a court of law, never been charged, never even been questioned by the police. Never been ruled against in any private Common Law community tribunal. (If there is so much evidence against him, why is that?) Admit it! (Person 2) has had NO DUE PROCESS of any kind has he? I DON'T CARE about your personal squabble with (Person 2)! I'm trying to stop the fucking New World Order before it destroys the fucking world! If a condition of your friendship is that I take your side against (Person 2) in a personal tiff, then I decline. Goodbye forever. Ben.
I saw the tick in the box indicating that he had seen the message, but he didn't respond. After a few hours I blocked him. I don't often become so enraged; I am a naturally calm person, but I did this time.

This is where the Conspirasphere is today, it is tearing itself apart and eating itself alive. What was once a community of aware, mutually supportive and dedicated people determined to create a better world is now a collection of sectarian cabals engaged in obsessive internecine bitching, mostly over petty and meaningless personal disputes that are irrelevant to the world at large. This is why I was so concerned when I heard 2016 might be a myth, see:, because it is virtually all we have left. Possibly there is an answer to the question in the title of my Dreaming Saucers speech, see: Seeing as the Truth movement has failed so completely what other hope is there? I feel very angry at people like Person 1 who have abandoned this vital quest to indulge themselves is these pointless spats. They don't have the excuse of ignorance that an outsider would and therefore know exactly what is at stake when they made the decision to do it. Sadly, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps we, as a species, deserve the New World Order. Maybe it's a part of human nature, a natural and inevitable stage of our social evolutionary journey. We can no more escape it than a worker bee can flee the hive.


  1. I still think you are great, mate.


  2. It's a shame when friendships become casualties of misunderstanding, and surprising that 'awake' people havn't learnt to agree to disagree more often, especially considering they must have had multiple Damascene conversions on their path of discovery.

    Anger & negativity is an emotinal response, usually as a result of our programming; it's difficult to see this sometimes, but we're all suceptible to it, at these times we must recognise and admit this to ourselves to move forward. If the other party remains locked in an emotional response, all we can do is leave the door open, and in that respect I recommend unblocking your friend Ben.

    I thought the truth movement had learnt this early on when everyone used to thank speakers for "their truth" but we know how all that turned out once ego's took over from finding universal truth to "their truths" or "my truth".

    I find it useful to list all possibilites of a particular truth, including the 'official narrative' I may believe a particular scenareo is most valid, and the 'official' version a complete fabrication, but listing them in order of probabilities helps to remove any emotional attachment we give any particular scenareo IMO, this could also help when discussing a particular subject with someone who thinks an alternative scenareo is more valid.

    I'd also recommend posting replies to your blog you disagree with rather than deleting them ;) There's no need to reply to them all, at the risk of protracted engagements, but deletion has to be recognised as censorship! sup to you tho, it's your space. PP.
