Sunday, 23 July 2023

Anonymous Vows UFO Hack

The Daily Blah has done it again! After this diamond of British journalism:, last Tuesday they followed up with a new apparent revelation from the infamous hacktivist group Anonymous, the self-styled internet freedom fighters and "online Robin Hoods". Whenever they make public appearances they wear hooded jerseys and Guy Fawkes masks from the V For Vendetta graphic novel. The decentralized collective of hackers has announced that it is declaring cyberwar on anybody who conceals evidence about the presence of UFO's and ET's, or so it has been reported. I can't find a source for this. Actually even the Anonymous websites are hidden on Google and I had to use Bing and the Tor browser to find one. However, there was no reference to UFO's on it and I can't find any YouTube videos about this. There are no doubt other Anonymous websites so I'll keep looking and edit this article if necessary. It is the kind of thing the Anons would do, in fact they did once with NASA, see: Their standard modus operandi is to hack computers and then control and/or disable them. They gather confidential files and publish them. This is no flippant boast; Anonymous have previously had success, harming many state and private actors such as the government of Uganda and the Church of Scientology. Also a few independent loners have managed to penetrate government defence computers such as Gary McKinnon, see: The article in the online edition of the Daily Star is simple yet informative despite having no citations, see: So why the stupid front page? Below is yesterday's and it's just as bad. This is not a joke! It is a very serious matter and I wish the mainstream media would treat it as such.
See here for more information:


  1. The MSM media are really ramping up the whole alien invasion agenda at the moment. It all sounds very Project Blue Beam. And, of course, yet another way of getting people scared and compliant. That said, there does seem to be some strange things going on in the skies at the moment. A 'normie' friend of mine who I've known for 40 years has made two Facebook posts in the last 2 weeks about separate UFO sightings in County Donegal, Ireland. He didn't post any pictures but he genuinely seems to have seen something on both occasions (and, from his comments, is totally baffled).

  2. If he wants to talk to me I'll respect his confidentiality. It could be that tomorrow we will see some attempt to push the fake alien invasion narrative. We will see.

  3. Thanks for the offer Ben. It was a few days ago he made the 2nd post, so I'll give it a pass this time. But if he sees another one, I'll defo send him a private message. In the meantime, why do you think something might happen today??? It wouldn't surprise me, but am just curious???

  4. Hi Anon. Sorry for the delay in replying, but I've been away at a conf. I'm talking about what happened last Wednesday...
