Monday, 24 July 2023

Crazy Plane Lady

A video has appeared on TikTok (I know!) that went viral to the point where it has become a source for memes. It is filmed on an airliner at Dallas Fort Worth airport, USA. The plane is at the foot of the runway about to take off when one of the passengers, a young woman, stands up in her seat. At first she is fairly calm and says:  "He's not going to!... No!... Stop it!... Stop it!... I'm not sitting by that man... See what happens?" A stewardess tries to be diplomatic and arrange a seat swap with her; however the woman just becomes more agitated. She steps into the aisle and shouts: "We have to stop the fucking plane!" Then she storms off towards one of the doors demanding to disembark. She yells: "I'm telling you, I'm getting the fuck off and there's a reason why I'm getting the fuck off! And everyone can either believe it or they can not believe it; I don't give two fucks!" She then points towards the seats where she had been sitting. "But I am telling you right now, that motherfucker back there is not real! And you can sit on this plane and you can fucking die with them or not; I'm not going to!" At that point the crew had no choice; a plane cannot take off when one of the passengers is being that disorderly. It left the runway and returned to the gates. The passengers were all disembarked and the flight did not resume for over three hours. Source:
Since then internet sleuthdom has gone fanatical about this case. Several people have come forward claiming to be fellow passengers; some more convincing then others. A number of theories have emerged; these include the more mundane, that she was simply drunk. Others are more outlandish, that she witnessed a reptilian humanoid shapeshifting. It's encouraging that the concept of the latter is now so popularized that it was immediately suggested. Some witnesses state that she got into an argument with the passenger next to her because he allegedly stole one of her earbuds. "He was African American", they always add in hushed voices, thus inevitably escalating the issue into a race row. However, no image of the accused has ever been shown and he has never spoken out, so we don't know what he looks like, if he exists. It has been reported that the woman was not arrested or banned. In fact she was booked onto another flight. This is strange considering what she did previously. If she kicked off like that in midair it would be far more serious and could put the lives of the other passengers and crew in danger. Never mess with the "trolley dollies". Airline cabin crew are not just there to serve you dinner; they are highly trained security experts and will handcuff somebody to their seat in necessary. Pilots sometimes even carry out emergency landings because of unruly passengers. A passenger who melted down on a flight just a short time ago would be a liability for a future booking. In my view, this also makes it unlikely she was drunk because if she had been she would not have been allowed to board the first flight. Some researchers are claiming she has disappeared, although this has not been confirmed. Nobody knows her name and she has not spoken publicly or been traced despite all the best efforts of the online Miss Marple community. I question the claim about the missing earbuds argument. She would have said so more explicitly during her rant, yelling: "That man stole my earbuds! I want you to search him now!" etc. Wireless earbuds get lost very easily, which makes them annoying and I never use them, but they only cost from as little as ten pounds; not worth losing your place on a flight that might cost hundreds. So did she witness something truly supernatural? It can neither be confirmed nor ruled out at the moment. If reptilians exist then why shouldn't they travel by air like the rest of us? I find it curious that this incident is very similar to one that happened just a few days earlier. It was an early morning flight from Zadar in Croatia to Stanstead Airport, UK. Just before takeoff, yet again, a man suddenly stood up and started bellowing in terror. The crew and other passengers tackle him and force him to the floor. This was supposedly because there was a baby crying in the seat beside him. I don't buy it. He looks and sounds truly terrified, not irritated by a crying infant. Source: Has he disappeared too? It is a strange thing that on two occasions a passenger has been driven into a state of total panic on a plane just before takeoff because of somebody sitting near to them. I know that people sometimes lose their composure while flying. It can be a stressful time, especially if you fly "economy"; with people packed together into small seats for hours on end. There is a rather gross video doing the rounds at the moment of a woman urinating on the floor of a plane in flight because she had to wait too long in the queue for the toilet. However, the two cases I've highlighted are very different. Are more reptoids than usual travelling at the moment? If so, why is that?
See here for more information:


  1. Another strange thing about this extremely bizarre incident, is that the man she accuses just sat silently and neither apologized or defended himself during the entire ordeal. In fact, I saw a video of someone who allegedly was on the flight too, and he said that that she was talking to him (hoodie guy) like they were having a full blown conversation, yet he never said a word back to her - it was like he was communicating with her telepathically. After she got up and freaked out, hoodie guy continued to be still and silent, but turned his head to the passenger/witness and winked at him in a very strange way!

    The video is on bitchute under the title: 'Both Sides of Crazy Lady On Plane Who Saw 'Invisible Entity' At Back of Plane'. Make of it what you will?

  2. Thanks for the citation, will take a look. That's true. Normally you'd hear another voice protesting their innocence or launching a counter accusation. Weird incident!

  3. she saw his reptillian eyes and freaked

  4. Paul, that's one possibility, but it's not been confirmed yet.

  5. I think I seen a tik tok video with a reptilian sitting in the corner of the plane shown only for a second but went back to find it and lost it.

  6. Hi Stephen. If that's the one I'm thinking of, it's fake.

  7. Hi Ben, hope the Truth Seekers Teeside presentation went well? I'm sure it did. Anyway, I saw this today and thought you might find it interesting...

    Make of it what you will. But I'd be interested in your thoughts???

  8. Hi Anon.
    It went very well thanks :-)
    I'm surprised it's taken this long to reveal the passengers name. She was far from unobtrusive after all, and she is a local lass. Sounds suspicious to me.

  9. This thing just keeps getting stranger and stranger!!!!....


  10. "I cannot talk about it right now."!? WTF!? Who by I wonder!
