Saturday, 15 May 2021

A Warning from France

France is a comparatively unstable society. During the period Britain has glided smoothly from election to election and monarch to monarch, France has had numerous revolutions and "republics". When Britain experiences some kind of constitutional crisis we tend to deal with it very calmly and diplomatically with lots of stopping for tea. Modern France was born out of a revolution that led to some of the worst violence Europe has ever seen. Tens of thousands of people were killed, mostly by being beheaded in a guillotine. Today their society stands on the brink of another political inferno. Two open letters have been sent to President Emmanuel Macron. The second one was published in a magazine called Valeurs and was signed by over a thousand people, most of them military servicemen, including twenty former generals. Source:
It follows another sent on the 27th of last month that reads along similar lines.
The letter has been praised by the presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. Although I'm not sure about the accuracy of any translation you might use, there is no doubt that this letter is a warning that the country is heading for civil war and a possible coup d'état. There's a reason why English has borrowed that word from French. Many have forgotten, but France is already under martial law and has been since November 2015. The cause of France's strife is that its New World Order internal enemies are trying to break down its culture and society through a number of methods including mass-immigration and the deliberate radicalization of its Muslim population. The same is being done all over the West, but in France that agenda is very advanced. People who go on holiday to Paris today describe it as looking like a cross between a refugee camp and an open-air prison. There is continuous terrorism, both real and false-flag. I've often spoken about my respect for democracy and protested against extra-parliamentary government imposition, for example: However, the democratic process itself has been shown to be occupied by the very forces of global technocratic uniformity, certainly in the United Stares, see:; maybe in France too. It could be that these generals are part of the same movement for freedom that President Trump is, and Boris Johnson used to be. In that case maybe a military takeover is the only remaining option. I expect that the next French presidential election will be a turning point, a last chance for the normal system to function openly and justly. That will be in April next year. If something happens to corrupt it, maybe that will be the moment for action.
See here for more background:

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