Sunday, 26 August 2018

Cloud Streets

Some photographs have been published showing a highly unusual atmospheric phenomenon known as horizontal convective rolling or "cloud streets". According to the Met Office, these long straight lines of cloud are caused by sudden changes in air temperature in different layers of the atmosphere. These formations appeared over central England, especially Oxfordshire. I live there but did not see them myself. Source: Cloud streets have an obvious resemblance to chemtrails. Their consistency is more like natural cloud, but the regular ruler-straight lines looks artificial. I can't help wondering if they are and therefore the cloud street reports are just a cover-up. If these are chemtrails of some kind then they are clearly different to the usual sort. Perhaps they are special night-time chemtrails. For several years now I've thought that there seems to be more chemtrailing at night than during the day. It appears to be heaviest just before the dawn. Because I was a hospital porter and had to work shifts I often had to leave for duty at 4.30 AM when it was still dark and so I could watch the sun rise. Very often I saw rows and rows of thick white chemtrails blotting out the sky. I remember one such event very clearly because it was an early morning that I got up to go to a live David Icke show in London. A row of six or seven 'trails were being laid across the zenith and the aircraft were visible in the dawn light as small black dots. There are several possible reasons why chemtrailing might be carried out more at night than during the day. The first is of course concealment. They are far less visible at night and so people are less likely to notice them. Another is something I discussed in a recent previous article. Excessive cloud at night acts as an insulator, keeping the heat of the day in atmosphere. This is why deserts are often very cold at night; the lack of moisture means the daytime heat can radiate straight out into space. Alternatively heavy cloud during daylight hours blocks solar rays and keeps the surface cool. Therefore more chemtrailing at night means whoever is behind the project wants to warm the earth up via geoengineering. It's an environmental false-flag, see: With the rise in people doubting anthropogenic global warming and the failure of earlier predictions to come true, combined with the importance of the AGW theory for geopolitical goals of authoritarianism and internationalism; at some point somebody was bound to suggest this.


  1. Fantastic research dude. I always look forward to your HPANWO blogs. I love to read it whilst I eat dinner. Tonight was a pie dinner from the chippy. The chippy and HPANWO, a great British combo. Cheers pal.

  2. Thanks, Micky. Glad you enjoyed. :-)
