Sunday 18 August 2024

The Empire Strikes Back

Something almost unbelievable has happened in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Ukrainian troops have invaded Russia. On the 6th of August they sent troops into the Kursk oblast, a border region to the north of Ukraine. This is the first time Russian territory has been invaded since Germany's Operation Barbarossa in 1941. Unfortunately there is very little reliable news about what's going on. As has always been the case in this war, speculation is reported as fact and you'll hear that this is both an embarrassing kick in the teeth for "Puteler" and also a terrible blunder by Zelensky and his globalist backers that the Russians have already successfully repelled. We'll have to wait for more computer game clips to get some better information. The question is, why have they done this? Is it to cause a diversion from the Donbass? Is it the start of a more long term strategy of attrition? How significant has Russia's response been? Are they trying to provoke Russia? Are they trying to manipulate their Western allies into an all out attack on Russia? They may be rushing things along before Trump gets in in November. Kursk is far less well defended than Donbass. This could be a ploy to force negotiations. Source: I wonder if it's a coincidence that this has happened at the same time that attention has focused on the destroyed Nord Stream pipelines, see here for background: It seems that once again conspiracy theorists have been proven right. New evidence has just emerged that the Zelensky regime in Kyiv masterminded the operation with the collusion of their globalist supporters. It was supposedly carried out by a private contractor. Source: This would make Nord Stream a strategic false flag attack by Ukraine to force the hand of its allies whom it considers clients. And sod the frozen German pensioners! This should be the biggest news story of the Ukraine war so far, but will it become so? This Ukraine saga has taken another twist; how will it develop next?
See here for background:


  1. It is as unbelievable as it is senseless. Before the conflict Ukraine had a fertility rate of 1.5 children per woman, well below replacement level. This fertility rate would result in the population halving every 50 years and eventually dwindling to extinction, even in peacetime. Against this background, and given that Ukraine is not a particularly densely populated country, it makes no sense to fight a nationalist war over territory. To make matters worse there has never been a Ukrainian ethnic majority in the territory they are fighting over, two generations of the best men have been exterminated and Zelensky has made Ukraine totally dependent on NATO for everything.

    The Kursk incursion might be to generate a temporary boost in morale to tide Zelensky over until Trump is elected at the year's end. Obviously it is much easier to fight there than Donbass and there were reports of mass surrender and local commanders ignoring orders from Kiev on the Donbass front where Russia seems to be making steady and relentless gains.

    The conflict is now more a proxy war of NATO against Russia than anything else and reports of Polish, French and English speaking combatants in the Kursk region would seem to confirm that.

  2. Could be just to boost morale, as you say, GM. Or maybe Zelensky is put out that he's not flavour of the month anymore. Interesting about the Kursk invaders. Must be mercenaries.
