Friday 28 November 2014

Something’s Brewing…

All the time I hear predictions of some new move by the masters of this world, often portents of a disaster of various kinds. Most of these do not come true, yet so many are made that when a major incident does take place then somebody is bound to have predicted it by chance alone. For this reason I avoid making such prophesies myself, or repeat those made by others, unless I think there’s good reason to. There was a time when I did; back in the summer of 2012 during the run-up to the London Olympics; I wasn’t the only one, and indeed they were nicknamed the “Apocalympics” by the conspiratorial community. I was shamelessly relieved when the Games of the XXX Olympiad passed without a hitch, see: and: Mixed with my relief was ambivalent sense of frustration; a part of me wanted them to play their last card and engage us in the final battle, yet they held off. And of course I felt guilty for that feeling. However for the first time since those days I sense we’re entering another similar period. We’re building up to an event, probably some kind of false flag attack. It might be something simple and “low-budget” like another street murder with the modus operandi of the Lee Rigby killing, see: Then again it could be something on the scale of 9/11 or even bigger. I’m pretty certain the usual suspect will again be presented again as the indisputable culprit- international Islamic terror. The reason I predict this is because there has been a lot of talk about terrorism in the news lately. First of all, the news for the week just gone has been full of stories about the terror threat, see: and: and: The emphasis has been much focused on increasing human and electronic intelligence, not least more monitoring and control of the internet and using the public to report on friends, family members and acquaintances whom they suspect of being involved in secret terrorist plots. We have just had two brothers from London arrested for terrorism offences, see: David Cameron is feigning embarrassment over the runaway immigration the UK is suffering, see: Also we’ve had the Lee Rigby case back in the news again, see:; in this instance a lack of social media surveillance has been blamed for facilitating the supposed murder in Woolwich… I can definitely feel it in the air, they’re planning something.

The fear of attack by radical Muslims is inextricably linked to the issue of immigration. The United Kingdom, along with most other western nations, is undergoing a level of immigration unseen at any time in our history. This has caused worry that the huge number of newcomers from all over the world will displace the native cultures of those nations. I share that worry, but I’m convinced that this is part of the plan and I go into details here: It’s vital that native westerners don’t take the bait that’s currently being dangled. Most of the immigrants themselves are just ordinary people who are only doing exactly what we would do in their shoes; we must not get angry with them personally. The true solution to the immigration problem can only involve exposure of the New World Order and the introduction of economics, technology and social systems that improve the quality of life all over the world. Until then the prospect of the “new Iron Curtain” will be enormously tempting. Any false flag attack blamed on Muslims in the upcoming weeks and months will be a prime opportunity for the elite to accelerate their agenda. In the USA, President Barack Obama is going through a similar experience to Cameron, is that a coincidence? He has infuriated many people by offering a partial amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. What’s more he did it via executive order and not by passing an act of Congress, which is seen as dictatorial and undemocratic, see: On both sides of the Atlantic we are presented with an image of a weak and incompetent government unable to prevent foreign invaders slipping through its borders. As David Icke would say: “Something must be done! This can't go on! What are they going to do about it!?” What they are going to do about it is throw up their hands in mock indignation and moan: “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing for it except the new Iron Curtain.” and much of the public will sadly support that. However, I’ve been wondering if something more complicated is going on. At the moment Stephen Bassett, executive director of the Paradigm Research Group and organizer of last year’s Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, is in Washington DC taking part in the Congressional Hearing Initiative, a follow up move to the Citizen Hearing, see here for my recent HPANWO Radio interview with Steve: At one point in the interview Steve said something that made my skin crawl; he wants to get the CHI done and dusted as soon as possible in case “something happens” to ruin the process, like a major terrorist incident… After the show I made a HPANWO TV video about my feelings over what we talked about in the programme. I recalled the Disclosure Project press conference at the National Press Club, in the same place as the Citizen Hearing twelve years later, in May 2001, see: Of course we all know what happened four months afterwards. Some people have speculated that this was the motive for 9/11; possibly. Either way the fact that 9/11 happened did throw a spanner in Dr Steven Greer’s works big time. If the power-that-should-not-be are so desperate to stop UFO truth from coming out that they would stage the biggest terrorist incident in history, then they might decide to pull off the same trick again. In which case, as I say in my film, the solution is the same as it was for the Olympic; we need to talk about it as much as possible, to the point that the perpetrators will not dare carry out their plan because too many people will be expecting it, see:


  1. Dear Ben. You have just shared a like minded conversation I have been having with myself. I feel something is awry and the atmosphere crackles with a muted monovalence. On returning to my hometown from handing in my notice it seems people I know including sadly family members have brought into this false flag tension which as you eloquently put is multi faceted and has been building for a while. You say lets talk and I agree, it's sadly difficult when those around cannot hear. Thanks Ben. Let's keep aware

  2. Iv been thinking along the same lines ben...perhaps we are in the calm before the storm.....those bastards haven't got long to show their hand

  3. I entirely agree Ben, Xylomet and Jason.
    When I walked into the 'local shop' the other day I glanced at the subconscious propaganda wall and saw the banner headline saying "Terrorist attack is inevitable" I think it was the Express but who cares?
    This immediately brought to mind that pre-emptive BBC Panorama episode 'London Under Attack' that was highlighted in 7/7 Ripple Effect. I remembered the words "This is the kind of attack that we are repeatedly told IS going to happen"
    Plus ca change...
    The same day that I saw this, the MSM had been having to shake the alleged corpse of Lee Rigby by putting out the story that the '2 Michaels' had left messages on Facebook detailing their intent to murder a soldier. As we know, they do this purely to keep the mantra alive and to reinforce the notion of 'home-grown' terrorists being prevalent in society in order to keep the public in fear.
    The filthy establishment is acutely aware that it is coming under threat of discovery like no other time in history. They desperately need an 'event' that will be seen to galvanise public support and put their NWO locomotive back on the rails.

  4. Hi Ben, Neil, Jason. Yes you all picking up on this. The establishment have always operated as if they are presenting a 'religio-political' threat as something new and just as the hierarchical 'God Appointed'Kings and Queens, Popes etc acted as saviors and 'problem fixers' the same is exactly the Hierarchical carbon copy of this system which is based upon these same lineages but presented as a democratic state without the overtly religious outer garb, but the elite appointed hierarchical frameworks is still the same. This has happened with the Catholic - Protestant dynamic in this country before so nothing is new wherein both sides were just as ruthless and savage in their approach. The difference which makes the current elites position slightly more easier to drum up support is that now there is a division of geography, 'race', color and more overt cultural differences but although this is a fact we must not let this delineate the intrinsic nature of this feigned narrative (Not that I need to tell you guy's this).Take care and be safe guy's. HPANWO....Stop the New World Order!

  5. Thanks for your comments, guys. I'm glad you two can see it too. funnily enough, along with Panorama, Tony Robinson's Walking Through History, was discussing the most recent battle fought on British soil in which the Catholic-Protestant dynamic was played to full effect. Also there has been another mysterious explosion. See today's top of the blog.

  6. Sorry, Jason, I should have said "you three" not "you two".
