Thursday 27 November 2014

Mysterious Explosion in Manchester

On the evening of Monday the 24th of November 2014, just two days before the time of writing, the city of Manchester, England was rocked by the noise of a huge explosion. There was a storm of social media reports and the emergency services were put on alert, yet no cause could be found for the noise. This is highly strange because the sound could be heard for miles around, all over Greater Manchester and beyond. It appears to have been loudest over the Salford area, immediately to the west of the city of Manchester, but somebody I know who lives seven miles away has contacted me to tell me she and her husband both heard it. Any event capable of generating a noise that loud should be immediately apparent. The local media is investigating. There’s no evidence except a column of smoke near the epicentre; it’s an industrial estate at Hessel Street in Salford. The fire brigade have attended the scene and say there’s no sign of any adverse occurrence. However is this true? I’ve put out an appeal for anybody in the local area to take a trip to the location and see if there is any furtive activity going on there, like police roadblocks or military vehicles etc. Readers of the Manchester Evening News have speculated that a meteorite, a UFO or even a homemade bomb was the cause; one commenter said: "UFOs. The same bangs were heard across Arizona a few years ago, believed to be spacecraft crashing. If it was our own Roswell, expect top secrecy. Thus no reports of anything.", see: I’m glad people are thinking along those lines. If a UFO has come down in that area then prompt and thorough research is essential; the operation in the area by the security services must be monitored and exposed. I’m reminded of the Berwyn Mountains incident of January 1974; that began with a loud bang too. Other possible causes could be an aircraft crash, an industrial accident, a crashed satellite, the list goes on. However the real answer could lie with what the authorities and media are not telling us, rather than what we can imagine. If it was an aircraft or an accident then why not just let the public know? What reason could they have for keeping it under wraps? If it was a meteorite then why did nobody see it? The recent impact at Chelyabinsk in Russia lit up the sky for miles around. Or if this is the “Manchester Roswell”, then we must not lose the opportunity to obtain the evidence; this is why we need local people to head there and check it out. Enigmatic explosions are not uncommon; in fact they have been reported in Cornwall, Arizona and China. We’ve also recently experienced an opposite incident in Russia in which the sky was lit up by light, but with no sound, see: There was an article in Nexus a few years ago that claimed there was a connection between these events and the Large Hardon Collider, that the particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland was creating fluctuations in spacetime that caused these blasts in other places at other points in time. Who knows? All the more reason to find out as much as possible, so if any HPANWO-reader is close enough to the incident to get there could they take a trip to Hessel Street, Salford, Greater Manchester and let me know the score. Thank you.


  1. Great report Ben, thanks. I'm seriously worried, not so much about the noise...although it is a concern, but about the complete lack of interest by the public...but oh wait...their Facebook posts and iPhones (aka 'popularity' are way too important than this. Apparently it's not cool to entertain concern over these things, so it's hush, hush).
    Something is awry alright and that's the public's lack of interest! However, I have a feeling this could either be a major quarry explosion or even both(a test to see how much/little people care) so that they can measure response. A quarry explosion sounds louder because of the auditorium effect making it more concentrated. Just a thought. Thanks for caring.

  2. No problem, I'm glad you do too, Hilary. It's an interesting idea I'd not thought of: this explosion is a test to see how people react to anomalous events. The authorities would then know how to react when a real anomalous incident takes place. there are old mineworks underneath that area I hear. Abandoned mines often fill up with methane hydrates and other explosive gases. If there was a blast somebody might be liable, like the company that once ran the mines. There may be vested interests in the local authorities who don't want the word to get out.

  3. I hadn't thought of the mines either, but of course...lots of them left over from the Industrial Revolution might be harbouring gases as do the old rubbish tips without ventilation for the methane to escape. Sometimes quarries don't give a great deal of notice(if any) to the public if they are going to detonate explosives as it is private land. Whatever the cause, it's a great concern that no-one cares either way. I blame globalisation, it is not only destroying the British heritage but creating a permanent state of apathy because foreigners don't care what happens to it anyway, as long as they get paid. As for Black Friday, well like Halloween and Guy Fawkes, sick! :-)

  4. Just a thought Ben.....IF the Large Hadron Collider is involved.... it could be an echo from the future of when Brian (Nobber) Cox's over-inflated ego explodes which is surely long overdue! ;) Please somebody in that area have a scout round for the record.
