Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Square on Mars

The media is roaring with news that an artificial structure has been found on the planet Mars. To begin with the photograph was rejected as a fake, but pretty soon it became clear that it is not; it is a real image taken from space by the Mars Global Surveyor probe. This is not the first time either; anybody who follows this subject will know all about the "canals", "Face", "tunnels" and various pyramids etc. The structure is what looks like a square wall or enclosure about two miles along each side. It is partly buried by fine loose rock or sand and so if it is a square not all of it can be seen clearly. Because of this, skeptics will dismiss our thoughts as an example of "ink blot pareidolia", meaning when we see regular segments of an unformed shape our imagination fills in the empty spaces to make us think we're seeing a complete shape, see: https://youtu.be/sphbEePVBKo?si=Xdzb3ScH2Fo9xXQp&t=754. This controversy is not helped by the fact that a number of fake enhancements of the original image have been circulating and people are promoting them as real, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDapfESZVOg. The real image is spectacular enough in my view; nobody should be substituting sexed up AI versions. I don't think this is just ink blot pareidolia; but as I've explained that is impossible to prove or falsify. As I've often predicted, the skeptics are doubling down by clutching at straws, saying it is a pyrite formation without any evidence at all. This is another skeptic vice, the "clown's day off" fallacy, see: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2021/08/skeptics-portal.html. The location of this square wall, if it is that, is unfortunately a long way from the Perseverance rover, well out of its range. However, Elon Musk has volunteered to send his own probe to Mars specifically to investigate this anomaly. Source:  https://www.fox28spokane.com/elon-musk-wants-to-investigate-mysterious-square-structure-on-mars/.

I take a great interest in the possibility that complex life once existed on Mars. We know that in the distant past Mars was a very different kind of place. Liquid water flowed on it which means it must have had a much thicker atmosphere and it must have been an awful lot warmer; in other words it was more like earth. Perhaps life did evolve there, maybe even an intelligent animal species capable of building objects like the anomalies discovered. This must have been several billion years ago, long before life began on earth. Or maybe some of the structures are more recent and were constructed by extraterrestrial intelligence, or even very recently by humans involved in the secret space programme. There's no way of knowing without a proper mission to investigate; and currently all Mars probes with landers have avoided Cydonia and other regions where strange objects have been spotted. That needs to change. Let's hope Elon sticks to his word, or maybe the government could just release the files.
See here for more information: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2015/08/mars-monster.html.
And: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2017/07/child-slavery-on-mars.html.
And: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2017/12/cannonball-on-mars.html.
And: https://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/08/skeptics-in-pub-18808.html.

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