Saturday, 24 February 2024

Houdini's Secret

A long time I wrote an article on how a lot of modern stories about the magician and skeptic Harry Houdini had been selectively edited, see: I have come across another example, this time in a book from 1968, Voices From Beyond by Brad Steiger. It addresses Houdini's investigation into the medium Margery Crandon. It was regarded as his greatest challenge; was he, the ultimate fake psychic cracker, about to encounter the real thing at last? Margery had a reputation for openness and honesty. She had been willing to cooperate with psychical researchers for her entire career. The scientists applied every know method at their disposal for outwitting trickery. She was tied up, sealed off in cupboards and gagged. She passed with flying colours every time. Skeppers will never accept that a psychic is real; they always have an unshakeable assumption that the psychic is using fraudulent methods of some kind. If the skeppa can't find the method; it doesn't matter, it is still there, lying deep somewhere inside the medium's chicanery in a place that hasn't been located yet... but it will be one day... promise! The book claims that accusations of dishonesty cut both ways. Harry Houdini was regarded as the ultimate challenge. Like James Randi, he offered a cash incentive to anybody who could prove themselves real under laboratory conditions. Margery was a physical medium whose powers were said to move objects and produce spirit voices, often that of her dead brother Walter Stinson. In the 1920's a committee of parapsychologists organized by Scientific American ran a project on Margery Crandon and in 1924 invited Houdini to assist them. Houdini suggested a test that involved Mrs Crandon ringing an electric bell by means of psychokinesis, a skill she regularly professed. However, when the séance started the voice of Margery's guide boomed out, instructing the committee secretary, Malcolm Bird, to take the bell out of the room and examine it. Byrd did so and saw that the bell had been sabotaged. Rubber insulators had been placed over the contacts to stop it ringing. Source: Houdini had arrived with the bell at the laboratory, but nobody thought to check him to see if he were trying to pull a fast one. Modern reports of this study tell a different tale to Steiger's sources. As with Project Alpha, see:, we don't know for certain that this accusation against Houdini is true, it was never formally investigated; but we must rid ourselves of this notion that skeptics are always going to behave openly and are immune to the moral weaknesses all other people suffer.
See here for background:


  1. Am not entirely shocked by this story. As far as i can tell, Houdini was involved in lots of other shady business, including working for intelligence agencies as a spy on his international travels. Funnily enough he was born not far from where I'm sitting right now!

    Another good article Ben. 👏 Thanks.

  2. Thanks, Calpestavo. You're weclcome.
    That fits like a glove for a major skeptic. Like James Randi more recently, they are often involved in shady psychological think tanks and intel.
    I didn't know you were Hungarian, good for you!
    Houdini's death was interesting too. Just two years after his exposure by Margery's guide he was punched in the stomach on Halloween night 1926 and died.

  3. Interesting article spoiled by this comment "Skeppers will never accept that a psychic is real; they always have an unshakeable assumption that the psychic is using fraudulent methods of some kind. If the skeppa can't find the method; it doesn't matter, it is still there, lying deep somewhere inside the medium's chicanery in a place that hasn't been located yet... but it will be one day... promise!"

    There is a whole subsection of science dedicated to psychic phenomena namely Parapsychology. The research carried out is by mainstream scientists and researchers and despite more often than not catching out fakery as would be expected it's purpose is to find out the cause of the phenomena not debunk it. I have been involved in research showing how auditory and visual hallucinations can be caused and mistaken for 'ghosts'. It's rational science not scepticism.

  4. Anon, you misunderstand my definition of "skeptics", possibly because you are not a regular reader. I'm well aware that there are many open-minded scientists doing exactly what you say, you say you are one of them; but I do not define them as skeptics.
    See here for clarification:
