Sunday, 6 February 2022

Simon Parkes is Innocent!

See here for essential background:
"How do you know that, Ben?" I hear you ask. Well, I could turn that on its head and ask: How do you know Simon Parkes is guilty? What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Quite a while before his totally unfair attack on Linda Moulton Howe that I covered previously, Steven "Lord Chief Justice" Cambian got together with his team of livestream litigants to smear another person's character, this time with a far more serious allegation, something that actually borders on criminal. The central figure in this inquisition is their little MeToo heroine, somebody called Ginette. As Ginette tells her story the rest of the panel shower her with sympathetic platitudes. "We stand shoulder to shoulder with you!" and "We applaud your courage in coming forward!" are typical of them. Over the course of the next three hours they proceed to accuse Simon Parkes of some very extreme sexual misconduct. Source:
If you can detach yourself from the emotion of this account, you should ask yourself some crucial questions such as: Why has nobody called the police? Some might claim that the police would never take action over an issue like this, but Simon Parkes is a white male; so yes they would. Later in the interview the panel state: "We are in the process of interviewing more 'Women!' about Simon Parkes' predatory behaviour!" Why are bunch of hashtag bantams doing this and not the police? Give me a reason not to believe that this team is simply perpetuating a hoax? You heard me right. Cambian's livestream reminds me a bit of an episode of The Simpsons called Homer Badman in which Homer is falsely accused of groping a girl's bottom, especially the propaganda sequence, see: and: I have a lot of very bitter experience along these lines because this kind of vilification has happened to me! I was in Simon's position myself and I was completely innocent. Despite this, my abusers concocted some very vivid, skillful and sophisticated slander against me. I've given some examples in the background links below. To my knowledge, Simon Parkes has not yet been charged with any offence; in fact he has not even been arrested and questioned. If he had been we would know because Steven Cambian's video would not be online. The first thing the Crown prosecutors would do is contact Cambian to demand that he remove that livestream and all other references to Simon Parkes from his social media accounts. This would be essential for a police investigation and to ensure a fair trial. Cases have been thrown out of court and real criminals have walked free because the evidence is polluted in advance by online gossip. The fact that nobody has called the police leads me to suspect that deep down most, if not all, of Cambian's panel know very well that this accusation against Simon is a complete fabrication. I don't know Simon Parkes very well and I'm not a member of Connecting Consciousness. However, because I've been on the receiving end, I just cannot walk by on the other side when these ordeal-by-internet witch-hunts break out. There was a time when I really needed support from others while so many people dropped me like a hot potato and bolted. I'm not going to be one of those myself. As I said in the background article above about Linda Moulton Howe, we are about to enter an age in which the foundations and buttresses of Deep State rule are going to fall away completely, probably in a very short space of time. We are going to be left alone to face the world without the domination on which we have become dependent. In the post-Illuminati transitional period, how are we going to deal with accusations of wrongdoing? Are we going to come together and cooperate to create a parallel system of law, possibly based on my tribunal model? Or are we going to descend back into the Dark Ages where guilty parties are decided by who can throw together the most convincing yarn and shout the loudest on the longest YouTube video?
See here for background:


  1. This Ginger tried to do the same thing to Kerry Cassidy over Mark Richards imprisonment. He can't get his own life he leaches off others.

  2. He's a familiar type, Anon. He gains attention by setting himself up as judge, jury and executioner of the entire UFOlogy community.
