Monday, 31 January 2022

Happy Brexit Day!

Today is the second anniversary of Brexit. I'd like to wish all readers a very happy Brexit Day and I encourage you to celebrate it as merrily as you can, lockdown or no lockdown. Brexit is one of the most important parts of the 2016 Effect, see here for background: At 11 PM on the 31st of January 2020, Britain left the European Union. I was there in London to witness it; see background links below. After that, the deal negotiations began and were completed within the original eleven month schedule, despite the Covid 19 lockdown and calls from Remoaners to extend the period. The much needed modification of the deal has so far not happened. This is obviously because of the lockdown, like most other things. In fact I have realized that the entire coronavirus crisis is probably a retaliatory strike against the 2016 Effect. 2016 scared the hell out of the globalist elite. I predicted at the time that there would be a massive backlash against 2016 and I have feeling that it is far from over yet. It may well take a different form in 2022, as I cogitate in this livestream: This has been a bad year for Boris Johnson. Sadly, he has failed us and that is a huge disappointment, see: At the same time, the devolved governments in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are hammering on the gates of Brussels, see: The Deep State obviously plan to use the Celtic nations as handholds to tug Britain back into the tyrannical federation. But looking on the bright side, President Trump is still standing tall and fighting back. He shows every sign of returning to the White House very soon, see: What will happen between now and the next Brexit Day? We will see, but no matter what happens I will continue to celebrate it.
See here for the previous Brexit Day article:
See here for background:

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