Friday, 23 April 2021

Kurten vs Fox

London mayoral elections tend to be somewhat more interesting than most and this year's appears to be rather curious even by its own standards. London's population has been changing considerably from the mid 20th century to today. Most people in the capital do not have native roots. They primarily have a racial background from the Indian subcontinent, the Caribbean; and, more recently, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Unlike the ethnic British, most of those Londoners feel no shame in voting for somebody who they believe will represent their racial interests. As a result Labour have a huge majority and the incumbent Sadiq Khan appears unshakeable, despite numerous corruption scandals and a reportedly contemptuous, arrogant attitude to his citizens, for example see: and: However Khan has two popular and respected libertarian conservative voices challenging him for his seat. Laurence Fox is an actor who became infamous for standing up to a wokeist thug on BBC's Question Time in one of the few scenes on that cowpat of a programme worth watching: David Kurten was formerly in UKIP, but has recently left and founded his own organization, The Heritage Party. He is the AM who attacked Khan over grooming gangs and BLM in the above link. Kurten in particular has proved a formidable enemy for the SJW's because, as you can see, he is not white. The usual ad hominem abuse therefore won't work on him. It may be partly down to Kurten that the cultural Marxists have come up with their new theory of "multiracial whiteness" to explain why a large number of non-white people are supporting what they call "white supremacy!" I don't live in London and I personally will not bother voting in the 2021 local government elections. There's no point. Since the fall of BoJo we've gone back to the bad old days of politics I'm afraid, see: If I lived in London I would definitely vote, but I'd like to vote for BOTH David Kurten and Laurence Fox. It's a problem the Tories and the Brexit Party had in the last general election; vote-splitting. The two libertarian populist candidates are competing against each other when they should be competing only against Sad Git Khan, see: Therefore I recommend that they form a coalition, if the rules of the London mayoral allow it. Alternatively if one gets into office he should select the other as his deputy mayor or something. It's time for people who feel a sense of "whiteness", whether multiracial or otherwise, to join forces against the gibbering hoards of wokeism. There's another problem; the election website's biggest headline is about applying for a proxy vote, see: I expect the familiar spectre of postal voting will rear its ugly head again; a reminder that the road to freedom is going to be long and twisted with many potholes along the way. However, let's take the first step. Vote for either Laurence Fox or David Kurten on May the 6th.
See here for background:

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