Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Israeli Space Commander says Aliens are Real

Over the last four years the demographic of those who take UFO's and aliens seriously has shifted. It is no longer the classic nerdy outcast in an anorak and Wellingtons standing on a muddy hillside with a telescope pointing at the sky (No offence, Win Keech). It includes so-called "respectable" people like scientists, astronauts and pioneers; see background links for details. The latest one to speak out is among this hallowed new minority. Haim Eshed is a senior figure in Israel's ministry of defence and for thirty years headed the space division; yes, the USA is not the only nation which has one of those, see: The Jerusalem Post has been informed that he has said that UFO's are real and that both Israel and the United States have been dealing with them for many years. General Eshed says this contact involves a "galactic federation" with which the earth government have arranged treaties. There is a secret base on the planet Mars where humans and aliens regularly meet. This ties in with what I've discovered elsewhere, for example see: and: Apparently President Trump was on the verge of doing Disclosure when this galactic federation vetoed it because they felt the people of earth were not ready. Gen. Eshed correctly states that a few years ago he would have been labelled insane for what he has said, but the world has changed recently and this is why he is speaking out now. Source: Oddly enough this page cites a source called, but I can't find anything about this topic on its website. This is also timely because Israel has started taking its own steps into space. Its first moon lander, Beresheet, was a failure, see:, but they are working on a new mission, Beresheet 2.
Oddly enough I posted a short article long ago in 2010 called The Israeli Roswell, but the source link has died and I foolishly left out the details myself. If any readers know anything about this, please get in touch, see: What does all this mean? Will Israel become the Disclosure nation before the USA, or is this some kind of disinformation? Exactly what kind of treaty have humans and aliens agreed to? There's been a rumour circulating for a long time that alien abductions are the result of a covert treaty. The aliens get to snatch citizens and experiment on them and the earth governments let them, in exchange for secret UFO technology. I've never taken this theory seriously because aliens have been abducting people since prehistoric times and nobody has ever been able to stop them. Nobody would be able to now. In such a hypothetical treaty the human delegation wouldn't have much in the way of bargaining power to bring to the table. Something doesn't add up. Did Gen. Eshed really say all this? If so then why did delete the interview? Is this going to lead to some kind of fake Disclosure, which I've always said is probably the most likely kind we will get, at least initially, see: Haim Eshed is writing a book about this subject so maybe we'll learn more from that. I'll be sure to keep an eye on this story and post any updates.
See here for background:

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