Monday, 31 August 2020

Ben Emlyn-Jones and Rin Michaelis 3

I have been interviewed again by Rin Michaelis on her YouTube livestream:
Subjects discussed include: Religion and God, what is the true nature of Black Lives Matter?, political correctness in TV comedy and much much more. Also on the programme was another YouTuber, Lonely Wolf 1980, see here for his channel:
See here for my previous appearance on Rin's channel:


  1. How come you weren't at the demo in London at the weekend Ben? Your friend David Icke was there. I was there and seems you weren't. Surely the big covid conspiracy is more important than UFOs at the moment? You've been in your ivory tower in your posh Oxford apartment too long.

  2. Jack, as it happened I was unable to attend for personal reasons. I don't know why you assume this means I think UFO's are more important than the C-hoax. Both are equally important I'd say. What "posh Oxford apartment" are you talking about? I'm not Peter Hitchens you know! My home is quite downmarket, but very comfortable and pleasant.
