Tuesday, 7 July 2020

More David Icke Libel

I don't know what adjectives I have used that could be in any way original. I've said: "ridiculous!", "defamatory!", "stupid!" so many times on this subject before. What this is about is that once more there has been a libellous attack against David Icke. It includes a deliberate attempt to sabotage his livelihood, done in the usual cowardly manner, eschewing direct confrontation while calling in air-strikes from the authorities. The self-styled Campaign Against Antisemitism has "written to" the mainstream bookseller Waterstones about David Icke and the company have immediately taken all David's titles off stock. I doubt if they even questioned or lifted a finger in protest. "You don't want to be a racist do you!?" are the words that make almost everybody kneel... in some cases literally these days. The triumphant article uses a lot of rhetoric like "hate preacher", "incite hatred", "crank", "Jew-hater". The supposed justification for what the CAA has done is that David's views are classified as antisemitic according to the International Definition of Antisemitism. Source: https://antisemitism.uk/waterstones-to-remove-all-books-by-antisemitic-hate-preacher-david-icke/. This is totally false. David states unequivocally that Jews are neither the instigators nor the culprits of the New World Order. He explains why in great detail. In the background links below I provide more information. I don't know if David intends to inform his solicitor about this article, but I shall be advising him strongly to do so.


  1. Yes. In fact the article has been shared on DavidIcke.com, see: https://davidicke.com/2020/07/08/more-david-icke-libel/
