Sunday, 13 October 2019

MI6 Boss says Aliens Exist

Well he should know!... A friend of mine captured the image above and commented on the front page of The Sun: "Aliens and tits! Sells every time." Sir John Sawers, the former Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service- MI6, has stated in an interview: "I think it would be extraordinary if in an infinite solar system that planet Earth was unique." Source: I think he means "universe" instead of "solar system". The solar system is not infinite; it consists only of our closest star, the sun, with the earth and our fellow planets orbiting around it. This constitutes a miniscule fragment of the entire universe. He is correct of course, but why has he brought this subject up now? The article also refers to several opinion polls that are encouraging; with a majority of British people believing in extraterrestrial life. A planet has just been discovered that may well have life on it, K2-18b, see here for more information: I'm also pleased to report that, according to this article, 20% of Britons believe, correctly, that the government know about aliens and are covering them up. The reason for a former intelligence official talking publicly about the subject may well be connected to the other recent revelations about UFO's, for example see: Sir John has an interesting background. As well as being head of MI6 he has been a diplomat. During his Foreign Office career he served at the United Nations, Syria, South Africa and the European Union. Perhaps more sinisterly, he is a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Conferences. Are his words intended to aid Disclosure or to hinder it? We shall see.

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