Friday, 15 March 2019


The political activist Tommy Robinson has produced a new documentary called Panodrama- an Exposé of the Fake News BBC! which is well worth watching. Even if you don't consider yourself a supporter of Tommy Robinson you may well enjoy this, especially if you despise the BBC. I do; in fact I have found myself becoming less and less tolerant recently of its deceitful, manipulative and degenerate productions. The film follows the story of the BBC's attempt to make a documentary about Tommy given the working title "Tommy Takedown". They chose from the outset that they were going to make a hatchet job and had a number of dirty and underhand tricks up their sleeve. The "Beeb" always do this, which is why when I was asked to take part in a BBC programme I declined, see: In this case, unfortunately for the BBC, Tommy managed to get his tricks in first. What happened was that the BBC approached a former comrade of Tommy's, a photographer called Lucy Brown. Lucy and Tommy had had a bitter and acrimonious parting shortly before (Some claim that the parting was staged which makes me admire their subterfuge even more!). The BBC arranged to meet Lucy in a Cambridge restaurant and ask her to help them with "Tommy Takedown". The person she spoke to was one of the corporation's most prestigious journalists, John Sweeney. He bought Lucy glass after glass of alcohol in an attempt to make her drunk and therefore less inhibited and more suggestible. Everything was covered by expenses, the TV License-payer's money in other words. Sweeney asked her to collude with him along with an organization called Hope Not Hate, a badly named "antifascist" media agency that, among other things, has supported David Icke being banned from Australia, see: It has also carried out harassment campaigns against alternative journalists like Lauren Southern and Caolan Robertson. Ms Southern has made a documentary exposing the South African genocide, see: Hope Not Hate has persuaded employers to sack staff members who have "the wrong opinions". The BBC denies colluding with Hope Not Hate and John Sweeney personally affirmed that. However Lucy Brown had a hidden camera on her at the meeting in Cambridge and recorded him saying otherwise. What's more Tommy and Lucy sent a fake text message that fell into the hands of the BBC that could only have come to them through a source in Hope Not Hate. Sweeney also offered to coach Lucy before her formal interview, to tell her what answers to give to questions; which is against the BBC's guidelines. He even suggested that he wants to concoct allegations of sexual misconduct against Tommy and insinuates that Lucy could help him. Sweeney expressed a disdain for the white working class that is fairly predictable because it can be found everywhere at the BBC.
Panodrama is available on several platforms and the Bitchute one is probably the most reliable: It is currently on YouTube, but that upload will probably be deleted soon. At the moment it can be found here:

I must say I enjoyed watching John Sweeney squirm. The BBC deserves to be caught out in this way; it is very sweet revenge. Top marks to Tommy, Lucy and everybody on the team who sprung this trap. What you think of Tommy Robinson is pretty irrelevant on this point. I personally consider him basically a decent man. He most certainly is not a racist or anything-else-ist. He did not deserve to be put in jail. He has identified very real serious social problems such as grooming gangs. What he does not understand is the cause of those problems. He essentially fears the rise of a new world order just like I do, but for him that new world order is Islam. In truth, radical Islam is merely a tool the real New World Order is using. Panodrama is one of the best stories of real life media espionage ever made, and the good guys win.


  1. Really good article Ben. I had already seen this video by Tommy and fully agree with your analysis. Well done

  2. I would like to second Geoff. This is the most novel analysis of the Tommy Robinson phenomenon I have heard, although it is a crying shame that the average punter will never get to read it. I too believe Tommy is sincere in his beliefs, courageous, highly intelligent, and rightly concerned for the future of his country; but I also agree with Ben's analysis that Tommy is missing the weaponisation of Islam by the NWO (look no farther than NZ right now...); if Tommy could see this, he would understand the diabolical lengths to which the UK authorities and media establishment are prepared to go to destroy him. Indeed, Tommy has just lost his court case against the despicable treatment of his young family by the police.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that, Laurence. I'll be sending them all healing thoughts and prayers. I must apologize to Tommy for what I said about him on the Kev Baker Show recently. i described him as "not very bright". That was very unfair and I misjudged him badly. Sorry, Tommy.

  4. Robinson doesn't see RADICAL Islam as the enemy. He does not differentiate between Salafism, Wahabbism (which, broadly speaking are the radical forms) and those Sunni, Shia and Sufi who live in peace. It's a deliberate choice on his part.

  5. Tommy is an honourable man, in the traditional sense Ben. He would accept your apology according to time-honoured tradition. Just to reiterate, excellent analysis in this piece; I hope many, many people get to read it.

  6. When will you be doing a blog on the NZ shootings? False flag do you think? Thanks

  7. Thanks, Laurence. That's good news.

  8. Anon, I think he does. He is willing to interact with Muslims like Maajid Nawaz and Mo Ansar.

  9. Paul, I'm going to address the NZ shootings in today's Third Rail Radio. See HPANWO Radio in the links column. The show will be uploaded later.

  10. I agree with Richard D Hall (and others also) that Tommy Robinson is just controlled opposition (unknowingly maybe) and has been put there. How else could he get on primetime mainstream TV?.

  11. Anon, Richard D Hall thinks a lot of people are controlled opposition! He's right in some cases, not in this one though. However, he was at one point I suspect; when he was leading the EDL.
