Sunday, 17 March 2019

Foreign Troops land in Britain

The 29th of March is still officially marked as the day Britain leaves the European Union, although this could soon change. However something else is happening that day. Exercise Joint Warrior begins. This is a bi-annual military exercise that takes place in northern Scotland and has been undertaken every six months since the end of World War II. It involves over ten thousand troops, thirty-five warships, five submarines and several hundred aircraft from thirteen nations. Although it is centred in northern Scotland as usual, the whole of the UK will be affected this time. Airbases in England will be operational for it such as RAF Brize Norton which is close to where I live. Exercise Joint Warrior is due to last until mid-April; so that's about two weeks. Source: The thing is, with everything going on in the political world in Britain, could the exercise "go live"? Interestingly the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 was only achieved so quickly because the forces were deployed close by in the Middle East for a huge exercise. When 9/11 went down they were already in position to strike. Could the same happen again? Could we see an invasion or coup d'état by the EU? Are they that desperate to solve the Brexit situation? Yes, definitely. They've done this before. In November 1990 they removed the sitting Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher through an extra-political process. It was done very quietly and without physical force, but it was a coup by every definition of the word. This time, the takeover of power might not be so bloodless. We must stay vigilant and be ready to speak out and act if and when the time comes. On the other hand, this could be a good thing. The troops might be working for the good guys QAnon talks about and they've come to rid the country of the occupying globalists. On the other hand, they may be needed to respond to a false flag event. We shall see.


  1. I am expecting a military coup d’état in Europe at some stage: military personnel cannot go on leave/discharge on account of whole areas being under Sharia law and this being enforced by a corrupt State. Sweden and France would be most likely, possibly the Netherlands too. Now that really would be the end of the EU! Looking forward to it already :)

    1. Can Laurence tell us where these areas under Sharia Law are? Perhaps I live in a different Europe.

  2. Thatcher was removed due to cultural marxists taking hold of the Conservative Party at the time (people like Hestletine) and they've dominated it ever since.

  3. Simon, cultural Marxism is central to the EU. This is why I call the EU flag the "gender studies professor's apron".

  4. Laurence, they've wanted a new war in Europe for a long time, but this is not the war they were planning for,

  5. Very true Ben. God save us from cultural marxism and Jews!

  6. Simon, I echo the first, but not the second. Jews are not behind the NWO.

  7. @Anonymous: All so-called 'no-go zones'. Search for no-gozones Sweden, France, Belgium, all effectively under Sharia Law. We don't, of course, refer to no-go zones in the UK but there are many instances where it is problematic to the point of impossible to enforce the Law of the land above Islamic principles.

    1. @Laurence I've far from convinced these places are no go zones especially as I have spent a fair amount of time in Belgium. Can you tell me how it is impossible to enforce the law above Islamic principles in the UK and what these Islamic principles are?

  8. Reply to @Anonymous.

    Are you usually unconvinced by reality? This is mere relativism if so, a not uncommon problem these days. I lived in Holland myself, but don't take my word for it, look at what the Dutch people said through the ballot box this very week: link (you will have to ignore the usual NWO rehtoric in the headline).

    As for the UK, you are aware that Rotherham (et al.) was (is?) allowed to perpetuate precisely because the filthy offenders were Pakistani Muslims? Now ask yourself why that might be; this would be preferable to feigning ignorance, in my opinion.

  9. @Laurence are you going to answer my questions?

    That gangs of Desi guys have shamefully doing vile things to girls is not a product of Islam. The rape of girls is not an Islamic principle, contrary to what you are suggesting. The reality is more complex and is based around a narrowly held cultural perspective among some men that white girls are immoral and easy. This isn't constrained to a small number of Muslims but incorporates Desi guys of other faiths too.

    If the Police have turned a blind eye to events the fault lies internally. Nobody that is raping girls should be given special exemption.
