Monday 2 January 2017

Cassini Mission End Date

Last year it was announced that the Cassini-Huygens unmanned spacecraft that has been exploring Saturn and its moons since 2004 will be "de-orbited" in 2017. The craft had ordinarily been intended to operate until 2010, but then got a mission extension. The supposed reason is to crash the probe into the planet to prevent it contaminating the moons with any particularly hardy earth microbes. However, as I've reported on before, this could be an excuse for a covert plan nicknamed "the Lucifer Project". Its intention is to turn Saturn into a "second sun", perhaps as part of a "Götterdammerung" manoeuvre, see: This had originally been intended to take place on May the 17th which includes the planet's summer solstice; for occult reasons this would be apt. Now this date has been moved back to September the 15th. It looks like this time the decision is final because on November the 30th 2016 the craft was set on course for its final death spiral. Source: On its slow orbit down to oblivion Cassini will gather and transmit important data about Saturn's rings, atmosphere and gravitational field. At 1.07 PM, British Summer Time, the craft will enter Saturn's atmosphere and fall to its surface. It will disintegrate long before it gets there. What will happen? Will the Lucifer Project work? I hope not and remain optimistic. There are forces for good as well as evil in this universe and I feel the presence of the former very much at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. "There are forces for good as well as evil in this universe and I feel the presence of the former very much at the moment."

    Amen Ben, Amen.
