Monday 5 December 2016

More Pyramids in Antarctica

HPANWO has many times addressed the possibility that what are thought of as natural structures on Earth, and even other planets, are in fact artificial; see background links below for examples. One of the most unlikely places where such objects might be found is Antarctica, but they have and I've written about it before, see: Now another of these pyramids has been found on the south polar continent. Naturally the skeptics have struck back. At first they said that the source of the information, the Third Phase of the Moon YouTube channel, has doctored the image. Third Phase is not the most reliable source in my view, but this doesn't mean every single word they say is false. Anyway this is not true. The pyramidal object can be found on Google Earth at the grid coordinates: 79 degrees 58' 39.2" S - 81 degrees 57' 32.2" W. So the skeptics then raised the bar in typical fashion and claimed that it's just a mountain; a nunatak to be precise. This is a mountain on land covered by an ice cap that is tall enough to stick through above it. However if it is a natural mountain its shape is extraordinarily regular. These do not line up with the cardinal points, but I wonder if it happens to be 19.47 degrees off. The reason for this is because it is a geometric constant generated by placing a tetrahedron inside a sphere with all points touching the edge. If one point on the pole then the others will touch at the opposite parallel of 19.47. This seems to be a location of particular activity on the Earth. It is the latitude of Hawaii, the planet's biggest volcano, and the Great Bend of the river Nile. A coincidence? Then look at other planets. It's also the latitude of Olympus Mon on Mars, Mars' biggest volcano and the largest known volcano in the solar system. It's also the latitude of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter and the Great Dark Spot on Neptune. The tower of coincidences it getting very tall and wobbly. The cry of coincidence could also be used to explain why this "mountain" has four ridges completely straight and square to each other. In fact it looks exactly the same shape as the pyramids in Egypt. Sure, you can see that there are some irregularities; this is obvious in the shadow it casts, but that looks to be caused by the mound of snow on its northern flank. It is also clearly old and somewhat eroded. Source:

The Third Phase video suggests this is why the Secretary of State John Kerry took a trip to Antarctica. There is no reason to suggest it had anything to do with this pyramid, in my view; yet there are still other questions over it that I might be able to cover in the future. The skeptics say that pyramidal mountains are common like the Matterhorn in Switzerland and Bulandstindur in Iceland. They are allegedly natural formations that are pyramidal. Really? Take a look at them: and:,-14.4082426,2025m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en. As I've said before, if you're going to play the coincidence card you must first declare a statistical ceiling above which your hypothesis can be falsified; and you must explain why, see: Therefore the skeptics are being far more irrational than Third Phase ever is in their craziest moments. Source: If this is indeed an artificial structure in the middle of the frozen wastes of Antarctica then who... or what... built it? There's no need to put it immediately down to extraterrestrials, like Third Phase does, but this is a possibility. It could be made by human beings from earth, but then it would have to be extremely old. There is a lot of controversy about how old the Antarctic ice cap is. Some say it formed millions of years ago when continental drift pushed the continent over the South Pole. The general idea is that the east Antarctic ice cap is permanent. It formed about forty-five million years ago and has never melted, even during the warmest periods of climate change. This is millions of years before humans evolved from apes. Yet the west Antarctic sheet is transient. It comes and goes depending on how hot or cold global temperatures are. The pyramid is in the Ellsworth Mountains in west Antarctica so it could have been built the last time that area was free of ice. I don't know when that was, but there could have been a prehistoric civilization capable of building something like that back then. Maybe it also had the knowledge that led to the Piri Reis map on which you can see Antarctica marked without the ice, see: The only way to find out is to send an expedition to visit the pyramid. Adventures to Antarctica are not like going on holiday to the Costa del Sol. It takes a lot of money, expertise in survival and permission from the authorities governing the place under the Antarctic Treaty. The last of those three is probably the most difficult challenge. As I've said before, see:, there are many many secrets in Antarctica of all kinds. Still, if anybody has the cash and gets the go-ahead, let me know because I want to come with you!


  1. Rudyard Buddyyard5 December 2016 at 23:01

    Really, a whole blog on a few mountains that from a satellite have the appearance of a pyramid like structure? I don't think they are pyramids are they? The reason it costs so much to go to Antarctica is not because of some flaming conspiracy theory but because of it being Antarctica. I really don't think I need to explain anymore then that. Yet anyone can go there if they are reasonably fit and wealthy. You might be able to afford when you write a bestseller or get a science PhD and work there. Haha, how would you ever get a science PhD?

  2. Actually, Rudyard, you don't know that it is not a pyramid. I've told you why It think the case warrants further study. I know why it is so difficult and expensive to go to Antarcica. If Benidorm was thousands of miles from anywhere and it averaged 30 degrees below it would be expensive to go there too. If I can raise the money myself with the writing, sure I'll fund an expedition.

  3. Rudyard Buddyyard8 December 2016 at 20:09

    You better start saving up then. Don't forget the best time to go is January because the season are switched in the southern hemisphere. We live in the North hemisphere which is the top part of the wold. There is no land under the ice at the north pole. Do you really think your writing will give you such an income (that is what we gain for the household)? I don't, you're writing is average at best. I find it too slushy and the characters are not shining through. Still, I've realised it is easy to self-publish and print to order. How many books have you sold out of interest? If you can keep your head while all around you.......

  4. I'm not interested in your opinion of my writing. Remember my second novel is free online. If I can sell enough books I'll fund the expedition. Interestingly nobody has ever been to this place before, so we'll be pioneers like Captain Scott.
