Friday 23 September 2016

Richplanet Show about David Icke

Richard D Hall has produced a programme in his Richplanet TV series about David Icke and the notion that the ruling classes of the world are not really human and are in fact shape-shifting reptilians. He invites onto the show his regular collaborator Andrew Johnson, one of the few people in the conspirasphere he appears to trust, and they discuss David Icke together, see: David Icke is one of the most prominent figures in the Truth movement. He was originally a famous TV sports journalist until the early 1990's when he had a spiritual emergence crisis which turned his former life upside down. By the late 1990's he had reestablished himself as an author and lecturer on conspiratorial and spiritual matters. Richard and Andrew speak appreciatively about David's early years; and indeed what David said and did in those days was instrumental in my own process of becoming conspiratorially-aware. It was in 1999 and 2000 that David's pathway changed yet again when he first spoke openly about what he believed was the true nature of the Illuminati elite in his book The Biggest Secret. His ideas came from multiple sources, but the most important was a woman who goes by several names, but is most often known as Arizona Wilder. She approached David and told him that she was the subject of a mind control programme and a Satanic "mother goddess" who served the British Royal family. However there were major flaws in her testimony and I was active on the original David Icke Forum when the argument blew up between Ivan Fraser and his friends and the rest of the membership. I didn't believe Ivan at the time, but on reflection I think he was right, see: Ivan wrote for Dave Starbuck's Truthseeker website and Dave Starbuck has always resented David Icke because Icke has never credited him for first introducing him to conspiratorial ideas in 1993. The "man from Hull with the blue plastic bags" was Dave Starbuck, see: I think it's only fair that David should name Dave as his source, but he doesn't do that. The same can be said for Bill Cooper, who also never got on with David because David drew on a lot of his work anonymously. The good news is that I think David has come round and denounced his previous association with Arizona Wilder; but it's difficult to be sure because, as always, he changes his mind quietly and never admits it openly. You can't buy Revelations of a Mother Goddess on his website any more and you can only watch it on old second hand VHS tapes or online, see: By this stage in the programme Richard and Andrew were already hinting that the whole reptilian angle was a piece of disinformation. There's no doubt that there is a lot of disinformation when it comes to this subject, like there is many others, but does this mean the reptilians do not exist?

In the late 1990's David worked closely with a man called Brian Desborough. It was Brian who introduced him to Arizona Wilder. Richard and Andrew are suspicious of Desborough, however there is more to Brian Desborough than simply an enabler of David Icke. He is a researcher in his own right who deals with free energy, covert technology and secret science, a lot of the same areas of interest as myself, Richard and Andrew. He has written two excellent books, Blueprint for a Better World and They Cast No Shadows, and some blog articles, see: Another source of David's information on the reptilian agenda comes from Credo Mutwa, a Zulu shaman from South Africa who contacted David while he was on tour there are they recorded two long interviews, see: This introduces an important point: the reptilians are not a new idea; in fact the concept of reptilians in human form is a perennial one. It can be found all over the world in different cultures and dates back to ancient times. David is not even the first person to address the issue in the modern world. Cathy O'Brien says she saw the President of Mexico, Miguel de la Madrid, shape-shift in front of her. She dismissed this as another hallucination from her mind control, but was it? Richard criticized David's skills in interviewing and Richard and Andrew also make the point that Credo can turn off the charm at times, like he recently did to Michael Tellinger; but this does not discredit Credo's information necessarily. Another interesting thing about Credo Mutwa is that he says he underwent an alien abduction in 1959 that was very similar to that of Antonio Villas Boas two years earlier, see: Credo Mutwa has been around a long time. I've read some of his books, some of which he wrote in the 1960's. Lyall Watson carried out an interview with Credo for his 1982 book Lightning Bird, which was about the adventures of Adrian Boshier, a British man who went native in traditional African cultures. The legends of the Archons is very similar to that of the reptilians. Researchers like John Lash talk about it in much more detail than Icke. The idea of reptilians is far deeper and more complex than Richard and Andrew relate in the above episode of Richplanet TV. I recently hosted the REPCON conference in which a series of speakers discussed the subject for an entire day. Also listen to this HPANWO Radio interview with Chris Turner, organizer of REPCON and director of the film Don't Mention the Reptilians, see: A legitimate concern Richard and Andrew have is how reptilians are such a huge red pill to swallow that it might stick in some people's throats when it's mixed with other subjects. They play a clip from a recent BBC interview with David Icke on the This Week political TV talk show. The host, Andrew Neil, asks David about his views on 9/11 and other conspiracies, then manages to slip in the lizards in the hope of discrediting all the other things David talks about, see: I do realize how difficult this situation can be and you have to be sensitive when presenting alternative information to somebody who has never been exposed to it before. However, David did not raise the subject of the reptilians, Andrew Neil did. David was asked a direct question and he gave a direct answer. Was he supposed to lie and say "no"? The facts cannot be put aside for the sake of popularity. If the reptilians are real, then they're real. I understand Richard and Andrew's misgivings and if I were in a conversation with somebody about 9/11 I would not volunteer any information about the lizards; but if somebody asks me directly, I shall answer honestly. Then Richard and Andrew bring up a subject about which I completely share their reservations; David Icke's attitude to 9/11. David has been informed about the work of Dr Judy Wood. Andrew talked face-to-face about it with David at a one-to-one meeting in 2008. However David does not appear to have taken on board the seriousness of the situation and has instead fallen into 9/11 populism. He was on The Richie Allen Show and he said: "All we need to agree on about 9/11 is that it was created on purpose to provide the excuse for what has followed. That's all we need to agree on. We don't need to agree on whether this substance brought the towers down, or these energy weapons. That might be interesting, but we don't need to agree on that; we don't need to argue over it. We don't need to come into conflict over it, like children... Let's move on!" This is a big mistake. Knowing how 9/11 was carried out is essential to uncovering who did it and why. If we are led up a blind alley into false narratives about rigging the buildings with explosives or using thermite, then we'll become confused and doubtful. When we see these fables disproved we may even be drawn back into the official story... That's the idea I think. David must understand the need for clarity over the mechanism of the attacks and he must speak out against falsehood. It's not enough simply to agree it was an inside job and that's that. See Richard and Andrew's other dialogues on Richplanet TV for more details, and my own background links below. Ironically The Biggest Secret has an excellent chapter on the death of Princess Diana in which David shows a lot of respect for the need for evidence. The biggest piece of disinformation about the reptilians, in my view, comes from something not mentioned in the programme, but it's from a suspicious person who Richard has alerted us to before over the crop circle matter; Jon Ronson. In 2001 Ronson produced an utterly abysmal documentary about David Icke called The Lizards and the Jews which specifically avoided any of David's serious ideas and focused of a gaggle of foolish young people, the type who are today known as "social justice warriors", and their campaign to destroy David's reputation in Canada because they think when David says "lizards secretly rule the world", he's using code and he really means "Jews secretly rule the world". This is not true, yet Ronson dedicated the entire fifty-minute programme to that most stupid of questions, see: I think David means well, yet he has allowed himself to be misled, perhaps by collaborating with the wrong kind of people. In fact The People's Voice debacle is a sad example of how those who pretend to be his comrades in reality plan his downfall. Richard and Andrew have always operated independently, as do I. Perhaps David should just stick to his own thing from now on. However, there is a case to answer when it comes to the reptilians and David was right to bring that up. Thanks to Richard D Hall and Andrew Johnson for a most interesting discussion.


  1. Ben, interesting article... I am not sure what to think of Brian Desborough - it was Richard that spoke of him more than me. Similarly, you wrote: "Richard and Andrew criticize David's skills in interviewing and also make the point that Credo can turn off the charm at times"

    Nope - Richard said all of that. I actually hadn't noticed as much as Richard did (i.e. the leading questions etc). All that I said was that I found Mutwa's speaking style engaging - I think Richard said everything else....

    Just sayin'....

  2. Malignant Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths function through the reptile primal parts of our brains so technically they are "reptiles" and not "mammals". David Icke is correct but its more to do with their "personality disorders" than aliens. They are evil humans running from a "false self" primative autopilot. Some may argue their spirits if there is any are "demonic" but i will not go into that as it can only be speculation.

  3. Malignant Narcissists, histrionics, sociopaths, borderlines and psychopaths brains function through the "reptile" part of our brains. Which makes them behave more like "reptiles" than "mammals"? They have brain abnormalities. They have "cluster b personality disorders" many of these crazies that run the world. David Icke is not crazy. He may of been misinformed about the ability to "shapeshift" but the conception of these people behaving like "reptiles" is actually based in science. It is correct. Their brains are that of a "reptile" not a "mammal" because they are personality disordered. Once again David Icke is bang on the money. He knew they had "retiple brains" in 1998 and he is correct. How he knows this stuff shocks me everytime he is proven correct?

  4. David Icke is a high ranking freemason externalising the hierarchy.

    People wake up, then they need to wake up again....

    A matrix within a matrix with gatekeepers at every door..

    Icke, William Cooper, Brian Gerrish, Alex Jones, BIll Maloney..the list is endless...

    Who knows about Richard Hall...ex copper?

    Trust no-one...

  5. truth has to be found by the individual better than any video or hearsay gossip---but certain video do contain how it comes about

  6. truth is found by experience of the individual more so than video gossip and hearsay---nerveless there are some informative
    videos about
