Wednesday 14 September 2016

Hillary's Double

Hillary Clinton is front runner to become the next President of the United States of America; in fact I think she is the "Chosen One", see background links for details. Yet in recent weeks there has been some concern... maybe "concern" is the wrong word... interest regarding her health. This began in July when she appeared to suffer a seizure of some kind, as if she were afflicted by brain damage or epilepsy, see: Indeed we know that in 2012 she banged her head badly and developed a blood clot inside her brain. Some doctors said she is showing the early symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Then last week she came down with a terrible cough in the middle of a speech. She could hardly get a word out in over four minutes, and then she appears to spit out two large lumps of phlegm into a glass of water, see: The notion that Hillary might be ill was ridiculed by the mainstream and skeptic media as a conspiracy theory; however, events last Sunday have removed any lingering doubts... or hopes if you're that way inclined. Secretary Clinton was attending the 15th anniversary of 9/11 memorial event in New York City. She was wearing sunglasses even though the sunshine was not very bright. These could be medical glasses given to people to stop seizures. Then she appeared to become semi-conscious and lost her footing. A US Secret Service van pulled up and her minders helped her into it. Just before she climbed in she fainted and had to be carried. One of her shoes fell off and was left behind, almost in a weird parody of Cinderella, see: She was taken to her daughter's home nearby and later returned to the street recovered. One theory is that she suffered from heat exhaustion; however the weather was not very hot that day. Her doctor has since confirmed that she has come down with a mild case of pneumonia, but is responding well to treatment. However, it's obvious she is afflicted by much more serious and chronic illnesses than a wheezy chest. Mrs Clinton is sixty-eight years old and is planning to take on a very tough job. One only has to look at other US Presidents, like Obama, Clinton and George W Bush, before and after they were inaugurated, to see that their eight years in office prematurely aged them about twenty-five years. Hillary will probably not survive even a few weeks in the White House. She's also made some embarrassing blunders since the boost to her popularity at the Democratic National Convention. She gave an address in Reno, Nevada in which she described supporters of Donald Trump as "alt-right", which is actually the name for an internet-based political tendency. She said they are racists, conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites (sound familiar?). She named Alex Jones, Dr David Duke and several other people calling them and those who support them "deplorable!", see: This is political suicide. One thing no candidate for government ever does is slag off an entire sector of the electorate. Her rival Donald Trump has capitalized on her faux pas to the max, printing T-shirts with slogans like: "I'm one of the Deplorables! VOTE TRUMP!" Is this the end of Hillary's campaign? If she were anybody else, I'd say yes without hesitation; but this is "The Chosen One" we're talking about here. If Hillary Clinton is not healthy enough to stand for Presidential office, or if she even dies, a look-alike actress may well be brought in to pretend to be Hillary. I don't rule out the possibility that Hillary has been cloned and that the actress is waiting in the wings, at a secret government laboratory, and will look exactly like her. An alternative scenario is that Hillary will retire from politics and the Democratic Party will slip in an emergency candidate to face Trump, probably Joe Biden, the current Vice President. If either of these outcomes happen then the only chance Donald Trump has of staying alive is if his polling figures collapse.


  1. Hilary Clinton has Simian Lines on both hands... quite rare in caucasians, so would be very difficult to find a double with that trait. But the palm-print would be the thing to watch out for if there is a double in play.

  2. If Hillary was cloned, would we not have to wait 68 years for the clone to grow from a baby? And would the clone not have the same health issues?

  3. Anon, not necessarily on either count. It depends what secret government technology is capable of. And her illness might not be congenital.

  4. Fabrice. She certainly sounds like a chattering chimpanzee when she's talking!
