Friday 17 June 2016

Ben Emlyn-Jones live at New Horizons St Annes 3

I'm pleased to say that I'm going back to St Annes, one of my favourite places in the world. I'm presenting a live lecture at New Horizons St Annes, hopefully followed by a Q&A. The date will be Monday the 11th of July. The venue will be the Community Centre on St Albans Road in Lytham St Annes, (next door to the YMCA centre) Lancashire, see: The event begins at 7.30PM and costs just £3, including refreshments. My lecture will be entitled: Skeptics- Who are they? Why are they wrong? And why does it matter? "Ben Emlyn-Jones asks some searching questions about those who challenge those who challenge All people who look into paranormal, alternative or conspiratorial matters will, at some point, come across the skeptics; people who dismiss and deny everything that has been discovered." This is a brand new speech and this will be the first time I've presented it.
This will be my third appearance at New Horizons St Annes, see here for a film of the last time I was there:


  1. How many people are you expecting to turn out? Although I must say what a banal subject you have chosen, it is simply because skeps are normally correct and that winds you up deep inside. I hope people see sense and don't attend.

  2. Gonna be good Ben, can't wait and they will turn up :) xx

  3. Gonna be great Ben, looking forward :) xx

  4. Will see you there, Lisa. Will be great to see you again :-) xx

  5. What kind of turnout you expecting, double figures if you are lucky? Still not to many chairs to put out and put away again. Just hope you make enough to cover your travel and food expenses. I will though look forward to the video with great eagerness, and the opportunity to debunk.

  6. You've never debunked me before, Beetzart, so what makes you think you'll do so this time? ;-)

  7. I flaming well have. You suggested the Apollo missions were maybe filmed on Mercury. When I pointed out that was ridiculous as humans couldn't survive for very long on that planet you said they could have been filmed on another moon in another Solar System. Well again that is impossible because in the 1960s human's did not have the technology to go beyond our Moon let alone traverse interstellar space. There, I debunked you. Happy lecture time.

  8. It went very well, Beetzy. You'll LOVE the video ;-)
