Thursday 17 December 2015

Season's Bleatings by the Porters' Poet

I met somebody recently who has been writing some brilliant poems about HPANWO, and today she has done a Christmas one. As before, she has made the poem into a decorated tableau. I'm really grateful, it was a lovely surprise Christmas present. I'll be reading this poem out on my HPANWO Radio Christmas special show next week; watch the HPANWO Radio blog for upcoming details, see links column. See background links below for previous works by the Porters' Poet. See here for the latest poem:

As it happens I've had a stroke of literary insight as well. I've written new lyrics to the classic festive song White Christmas by Bing Crosby. These are in line with recent postings I've made on the subject of climate change, for example see:
I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas
Just like the ones we've never known
Where aircraft spray
And temperatures stay
In double figures with no snow
COP 21 has finished
With a deal to deindustrialize
In case you don't care
We will create a scare
So you'll believe our carbon-conning lies
I'll perform this song on the show as well.
See here for previous works by the Porters' Poet:

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