Tuesday 18 August 2015

Peter Robbins on the EDX Files

The controversy over Col. Charles Halt's recent conference at Rendlesham Forest continues. The good news is that YouTube have finally accepted that I have not broken copyright law and have restored my HPANWO TV reportage, see: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/colonel-halt-returns-to-rendlesham.html and: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/ben-emlyn-jones-is-innocent.html. However, Col. Halt still has to be taken to task for the personal comments he made at the event about his fellow UFO witness Larry Warren. The EDX Files on East Dunbartonshire Radio does so. They also correct what they believe are factual errors in what Halt said. The presenter is the author and researcher Alyson Dunlop and she interviews my good friend Peter Robbins, co-author with Larry of Left at East Gate.
See here for Alyson's website: http://alysondunlop.com/. Left at East Gate can be purchased here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Left-East-Gate-Bentwater-Woodbridge-Investigation/dp/1854792318.

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