Friday 10 April 2015

Suppressed Evidence of Giants?

Every so often a video or picture appears online of an enormous human skeleton, usually being excavated from the ground. As with UFO and ghost photos, most of these are obviously faked and sometimes, because of the quality and availability of modern special effects technology, it's hard to know which is which. However credible stories occasionally emerge from the melee which do indeed report findings of very ancient human remains of extraordinary size; here's one I covered previously: Sometimes humans do grow to heights way above the average of 5"7 for males, 5"4 for females. Robert P Wadlow of Alton, Illinois USA (1918 - 1940) peaked out at an inch below nine feet tall. This makes him the tallest confirmed human who has ever lived. He had to have clothes, furniture and utensils custom made for him. However the bodies in the graves found by Dr Ali in Iraq were all of people who would have stood at least a foot taller than Wadlow; found nearby were utensils of a comparable size dated to the same time period as the graves.

When an article began circulating that a number of giant skeletons had been destroyed I didn't immediately jump on it and declare it as real. The Smithsonian Institution is one of the largest academic organizations in the world. Based in the United States of America it runs a large number of museums, universities and research centres. According to the article it had been ordered by the US Supreme Court to reveal documents relating to the deliberate destruction of the oversized human skeletons in the early 20th century, see: However, as you can see, there is no source sited for this information, and Googling the subject brought up no further documentation; therefore I concluded that it was almost certainly a false story. It turns out that the World Daily News Report is a satirical hoax website, rather like "BFNN", see: The name "James Churward" is probably a corruption of Col. James Churchward, the real alternative archaeologist who studied the idea of the lost continent of Mu. However, as with the Muslim Asda story, I wonder if there is a sinister underlying objective related to it, not least because of the photograph it uses as an illustration. Despite this story being a joke, according to many researchers archaeological data has been eliminated before in order to preserve the official narrative. When the Hypogeum on Malta was uncovered it was full of human bones, indicating that it had been some kind of charnel house. Thousands of individuals had been interred there. However nearly all those bones have "been mislaid" and only six skulls remain. The same is reported by Michael Cremo and Richard L Thompson in their epic book Forbidden Archaeology, see: According to them, such scientific fraud is carried out routinely and dates back to the dawn of science in order to maintain a false conventional vision of the past. The photo above is of some skulls found in a cave in Nevada USA. As you can see somebody has placed a silver coin, probably a US dollar, in the frame to provide a rough scale and these skulls are huge. They're from anatomically normal human heads apart from their enormous size. If the rest of their bodies are on the same relative human dimensions then these "people" would have stood over twelve feet high. The local Paiute Indians tell folk tales about a time in the past when giants roamed the local area. They were very fierce and if they captured humans they would kill and eat them. Is this mythology actually based on real events handed down from past generations? In the West we all know of the many legends of giants, from Homer's Cyclops to the bible which states: There were giants on the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair and took them as wives, and they gave them many heirs. These became mighty men of renown. (Gen. 6:4). The bible also describes the giant warrior Goliath who was killed by the young king David with a slingshot. Goliath was said to be 9"9 tall, so he would have stood ten inches over Robert P Wadlow. (1 Sam. ch 17) Therefore, even if the motive of World Daily News Report is nothing more than mischievous fun, they have still blundered into a genuine and very serious controversy. I think it's perfectly possible that in the past there were races of supersized humanoid beings, possibly emerging out of a union with extraterrestrial life. But what if it's not just the past we're talking about here? For a long time now Nexus magazine has been promoting the book Solomon Islands Mysteries: Accounts of Giants and UFO's in the Solomon Islands by Marius Boirayon, see: This does not only describe legends of giants in the past, but contemporary encounter reports. There are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to this subject and the people have a right to know the answers. Therefore if any scholar is withholding evidence about this issue then they are doing terrible harm and injustice; I would ask them to come forward.


  1. clearly states in bible that giants existed.seems parts of the bible we are told to believe but not the bit about giants. dinosaurs were large why not giant humans

  2. Yes, seems strange that virgin births and water turning into wine is accepted without another word, yes they go "Giants!? Don't be daft!"

  3. Dear Ben. I know somebody who actually visited South America and saw some of these skulls, they are real and are not the product of some 'head-reshaping' as many skeptics suggest, indeed there are many burial mounds in the Americas that historically contained huge bones with stories related through American Indian vulture. As to the comment about giants being mentioned in the Bible, yes - they are mentioned but the Bible is far from a historically forthright collection of documants, less the addition of the surpressed gnostic gospels and the fact that Jesus becomes less 'unique' than the only man-God that is central church orthodox religious dogma who appeared at a single point in eternity and that we do not have the key within ourselves to become enlightened and transcendental.' Like the giants Jesus appears to be but one more manifestation of interjectury life forms - be they spirits, wisdom carriers among many others in eternity and time-space that have appeared throughout the world as various beings of which subjective conjecture and orthodoxy cannot rationalize.

  4. I can well believe it, X (Are you still in touch with them?) The problem is that serious archaeologists will run a mile when they find these things. Not a word will be spoken; they inherently know. All this: "It would be the greatest discovery ever! And they'd win a Nobel Prize!" is bollocks. The Skeptics totally misunderstand the politics of the paranormal. See the Helen Duncan issue, it's a prime example
