Wednesday 1 April 2015

Disclosure Champagne

It’s now the first of April, but the following is no joke. The date is significant because the time period in which Stephen Bassett hoped that the Congressional Hearing Initiative would take effect has now expired, see: Over the last few months I have been covering this process on HPANWO TV; in fact I’ll be producing a new episode of this series within the next few days. So far there are mixed feelings from the UFOlogy and Exopolitics community; some, like Bassett of course, remain optimistic, but others are deeply cynical. Despite the undertone of scepticism and Skepticism, as far as I can tell the atmosphere remains exciting and I’m still watching closely the CHI and also the upcoming Roswell Slides event, see background links. I’ve decided to spur along the process on an energetic level by buying a magnum of champagne to celebrate the upcoming day of Disclosure… maybe. The bottle you see in the photos above is not real champagne of course. I’m an ex-hospital porter and therefore cannot afford the real thing. It is a sparkling perry called Charlemagne; I bought it for £6.99 from a corner shop and it’s the same brand I complain about here: However I have no gripes along those lines today; it’s no longer the point. It’s still a bit of a swindle if you ask me, but this time I knew exactly what it was when I purchased it. As you can see, I’ve sealed the bottle with a note which reads: “To be opened on the day of Disclosure”. I couldn’t resist adding a little drawing of a flying saucer and a grey alien… bear with me, I know I’m no Neil Hague. I’m going to keep it under my bed and I’ve wrapped it in a plastic bag to keep the dust off it. Ideally I’d like to store it in the fridge so that it’s nice and chilled, but I share my fridge with a few other people and I’ve found that anything left in there only stays there for a certain amount of time before being consumed by somebody else, regardless of who owns it. I feel more confident than ever about the Disclosure issue; if it’s going to happen at all, it will happen sometime this year. That is not to say that the internal conflict I feel over UFO Disclosure, which I’ve talked about many times before, is completely gone; it definitely has not, see the background links. If Disclosure is possible it will happen round about now. I think if… when it happens, in whatever form it takes, Disclosure will be something to celebrate, hence the need to toast it in. Nevertheless, it will also be an extremely difficult experience in many different ways, as Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel detail in their book AD- After Disclosure, see: I think it could be highly traumatic, for the reasons Dolan and Bryce discuss, but also others. Therefore my Disclosure bottle will help me face that glorious and terrible day with a bit of Dutch courage. I’ll film myself drinking it and put the footage on HPANWO TV, if the internet is working of course. Whatever the short term consequences of Disclosure, they will never be as bad as the long term consequences of it not happening. The obvious question is: what will I do with the champagne if we don’t get Disclosure within my lifetime? I thought that maybe my grandchildren can drink it, if I ever have any. But that’s impossible because if we don’t get Disclosure before then they won’t be alive… in fact nobody will.


  1. Hopefully, dust won't have much of a chance to accumulate on that bottle
    before you open it Ben. Fingers crossed:) What you've got there is palatable at least. Real champers bloody over-rated and tastes like fizzy bumblebee piss.

  2. Cider with a French accent and 10 timnes the price!... Fingers crossed, Martino!

  3. Dear Ben. Thanks for the link to the Dolan Interview who i think is a great articulate speaker. I've always thought of him as a Nick Pope without the gagging order and after a joint :). I wouldent be too hard on yourself with that bottle of shampoo, I remeber buying a drink called Chardalena' a bottle of wine with a quaint rustic french farmhouse on the label. Turns out that it was made on an industrial estate in Aston, Birmingham. I can tell you there is not a single grape growing there!. I like in the interview where they discuss a 'bottom - up' disclosure possibility, i believe there may be several elements that will contribute to it outside of a huge mothership crashing into the Chardalena Wine factory in Aston, Birmingham that is!. Enjoy the B.Holiday weekend mate.

  4. Hi X. You're welcome. I was once sitting in a pub with Dolan and Pope and it was very funny! That must have been disillusioning about the wine. i hear Guinness is made in London these days!

  5. yes Ben, Chardelena was the poorest excuse for a bottle of wine I ever had the misfortune to drink! a cross between cooking vinegar and ....erm....neat vinegar!
