Tuesday 28 April 2015

Anti-Feminist Women Banned

Last week a group of female artists calling themselves the Honey Badger Brigade were ejected from a comic creators’ convention in Canada. One of them, Alison Tieman, was blacklisted from all future events, effectively ending her career. The reason was that Ms Tieman politely and professionally answered a question while on stage. She said: “I am a Men’s Rights Activist… and you can hate on me. The reason why I don’t like feminism is because you promote this idea that women are defined by being victims. If you look at the context of all of your issues, men also face considerable problems as well, and they need to be brought into the story and not just for men’s sake, because this hides men’s vulnerability, (but) also for the sake of challenging the notion that women are defined as victims.” An interesting statement to make, you might think, one that surely would spark off a fertile intellectual discussion?... No. Ms Tieman and her troupe were hauled out of the event by the scruffs of their necks by the Calgary Comic Expo’s security detail. They were informed by the security guards that they had received twenty-five complaints about the Honey Badgers, yet the artists were not permitted to see any evidence of those alleged complaints; my guess it was just a typical feminist Twitter storm. This is a fundamental breach of the Canadian Charter of Freedoms, as that splendid Skeptic YouTuber, MykeruMedia, points out, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9mI6vkk3dE. The perceived justification was that men’s rights activists had “infiltrated the convention!” This is despite the fact that Alison Tieman is an established artist who had been invited as a delegate. The subject of men’s rights only came up incidentally in a panel discussion on women in the comic art world. She was asked for her honest opinion and she gave it. Should she have lied?

I’ve written a lot about feminism, as you’ll see in the background articles below. In doing so I have lost friends, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/a-friend-to-all.html. I’ve noticed that although feminists deeply dislike male men’s rights activists, they save their real hatred for the women. As I describe in the link above, an experienced feminist will never try to debate her (or his) position because they know it is indefensible. Feminism endures through total non-discussion and the demonization of those who question it. This is not hard to do if you convince yourself that all MRA’s are secretly male chauvinists who are scared that they’re about to lose their privilege and by “playing the victim!” they are making a last ditch attempt to preserve the “evil patriarchy!” Female MRA’s change everything. By their very existence female MRA's destroy the standard feminist response to the men’s rights movement and make the feminist no-debate ring-fence unsustainable. In that case feminists are on a non-starter anyway because one of the foundational texts of the MRM is The War on Men by the female author Suzanne Venker, see: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-War-Men-Suzanne-Venker-ebook/dp/B00B5I6PXC. I wouldn’t class myself as an MRA, as such; I just believe that feminism is a form of cultural Marxist mind control intended to change our thoughts and culture, along with so-called “anti-racism” and “gay rights” etc. In reality feminism has nothing at all to do with the many legitimate women’s rights issues of the world. For example, people who describe themselves as feminists are much more likely to wade in over an issue like the “sexist comet shirt!” than they are to challenge the West’s sponsorship of the Wahhabi Muslim regime in Saudi Arabia, which reduces women to the level of slaves. This is exactly the same as the “gay rights!” activist who whinges on ad nauseam about Russia tightening up the licensing laws for gay bars while in Saudi Arabia homosexuals are being thrown off cliffs, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/you-really-dont-like-russia-do-you.html. The principle of feminism is, as Mykeru explains, the purification of thought; yes it couldn’t get any more Orwellian than that. This should really make us all sit up and pause for thought, and understand how deep and insidious mind control really is. It’s not just about some Manchurian candidate with a gun in his pocket programmed to assassinate a troublesome senator; it’s about how human thought has changed in every aspect on both an individual and collective level over the past century or so. 
Here’s the website of the Honey Badger Brigade: http://honeybadgerbrigade.com/. #expogate

1 comment:

  1. Yup!...big fan of the HoneyBadgers , Basically...for me , this all started with a chap called Mike Stephenson aka DR Randomercam a few months back , y'know how it goes , you see one vid you really like , you sub , and through one youtuber you end up subscribed to a dozen more.

    It was through the dear doctor that i actually became aware of men's rights issues and how toxic feminism had become , Mike is one of the badgers and one of the people "ejected" from the con , so I've been following events closely as well as hearing a lot of the views coming from many non-badger MRA's as well , Sargon , Goodfella , Justicar , etc...


    Some seem to think that there is more to all of this than meets the eye , noted Mgtow advocate Johntheother ( JTO...Obviously (( You'll get it if you watch his vids)) seems to feel that its a stunt on the part of the HoneyBadgers and there may be some validity to that line of thought , another Badger , Karen Straughan stated in a recent video that the badgers where now seeking legal advice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtEtFLyQobo

    Another thing that's ....lets say a " Bone of contention " here , is the inclusion of the whole #Gamergate thing , Feminists and ....I'll be fair here and say " Utterly Retarded Morons " ( of which are the very vocal "Majority" in this case ) would have you believe that Gamergate is about everything other than what its actually about ....while an "Even larger bunch of morons" don't understand the basics of "Any of it at all".

    Gamergate is about ethics firstly and foremostly , in game journalism , in game development , game production , secondly it stands in defence of Gamers themselves ( GAMERS!!...not people who waste hour upon hour playing goddam candy crush on facebook , Gamers are the people who are the life-stream of the games industry , they are the people who buy games , consoles , gaming computers , computer upgrades and software related to the playing of games , the people who pay subscription fees to play games and so on and so forth ) however , all of that said ...

    Toxic feminists would have you believe its about sexism in gaming ....bullshit!

    SJW's ....oh holy shit ...it's people like this that really make you think the actual Nazi's had the right idea about death camps...and believe me , i do not say that lightly , this is how low humanity has sunk here people.

    In any case...

    The HoneyBadgers are self-proclaimed supporters of gamergate and where actually flying the gamergate flag at their booth/stall where Alison Tieman was touting her web comic xenosporia...


    In some part , due to a vocal subsection of people using the #gamergate tag ( particularly on twitter ) causing a ruckus and being generally unpleasant , some...in particular SJW's , have branded gamergate a "hate group" , this is also a reason that's been given as to why the HoneyBadgers where kicked out...its all still rather fuggy to be honest.

    Whatever the case , what is clear is that the Badgers treatment was excessive to say the very least and a lifetime ban for Tiemen from this particular con's managers is completely unfounded and ridiculously over the top , but as some small few have suggested ...this might have been the point all along as the Badgers are now getting more attention than ever before.
