Tuesday 17 March 2015

Cyril Smith was set Free

The BBC News article below contains a very long clip, over seven minutes, and it's one of the most disturbing and remarkable ones that I've ever seen. It talks about a Metropolitan Police investigation in 1980 in which a block of flats in London was wired with CCTV to catch a paedophile ring red handed. It succeeded; footage was gathered of men sexually abusing young boys (I don't envy the task of the coppers who had to watch that) and one of those was Cyril Smith MP. Also identified in the operation were a senior intelligence officer and even some of their fellow policemen. Smith was later arrested at an orgy involving more underage boys, as if they actually needed more evidence against him, but somehow... incredibly, he was released without charge and the detectives on the operation were told to drop the case, see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31908431. One of the few people inside the walls of Parliament whom I'd trust with my last farthing, Simon Danczuk MP, has written a book trying to expose what was going on, see: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Smile-For-The-Camera-Double/dp/1849546444. It has taken thirty-five years for the truth to emerge and what strikes me most about the above report is its tone of understatement; as if they don't comprehend the true magnitude of what this means. At the time of writing the story is headlines on the BBC, yet by tomorrow it will have been replaced by something else. Why? This revelation and everything associated with it ought to be front page news for months. People should be weeping in the streets!

Instead we're sitting patiently waiting for Lowell Goddard to walk to London from New Zealand, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/new-judge-for-child-abuse-inquiry.html. Perhaps it's because what is being exposed today happened so long ago. The word "historic" is often used in association with these stories and it's become rather Orwellian in nature. It gives the impression that this was a terrible thing, yes, but it's OK, it was just a one-off and it happened a long time ago. What the word "historic" really means in this context is that the weight of the truth over time finally broke down the barriers holding it back. However this was not a "one-off" that took place a long time ago; it's something ubiquitous that has always been a part of government, probably for centuries, at least. Witnesses are coming forward claiming they've been sexually abused by very senior people in the political elite much more recently than 1980. In fact all the evidence suggests that these horrors are still going on in secret today. It's good that this massive cover-up now seems to have a limited shelf life and the truth about individual atrocities does come to public attention with this time-delay. But we have to get rid of the time delay and expose what's going on now. We must also understand that these individual atrocities are all constituent parts of a single organized institutional pathology. This reality will be heartbreaking to face up to, but it must be done, for the sake of the children, but also for the sake of the entire world. Those behind the conspiracy will not surrender quietly; in fact another news story was published when the evidence about Parliamentary child abuse was first appearing, see background links at the bottom. David Cameron stated: "There will be lessons from the report and people should study it closely. But I think it is important that it says that there wasn't a cover-up. Some of the people who've been looking for conspiracy theories will have to look elsewhere". This is an insult to our intelligence and it's about what I'd expect from Cameron, caught as he is in the headlights of this scandal. The term "conspiracy theory" of course covers most of what I deal with on HPANWO, but it is a loaded phrase wheeled out whenever they want people to avoid rationally examining any information, see: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2831025/Cameron-attacked-sexual-abuse-victims-calling-claims-Home-Office-cover-conspiracy-theory.html. How much longer can the authorities keep reacting like this and getting away with it? It's interesting to see how much priority they give to other cases instead of ones like Cyril Smith. Carla Buckle in trouble again, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/carla-buckle-returned-to-court.html. Since then she has been attacked once more in her home; I might be able to write more about this in future posts, but for the moment details are confidential. The authorities didn't hesitate for a moment to use all the weapons in their arsenal to bring Carla to "justice". I long for the day when we get to use them, and more, on the real bad guys in this world.


  1. I don't know who is more devious, Cyri Smith for perpetrating or Cameron for haveing the audacity to deny a cover up existed en toto, psychopaths Ben (And I don't use the word lightly). Important post. Thank's Ben.

  2. You're welcome, X. Cheers. Both are equally repugnant in my estimation. If organized state-sanctioned child abuse is still going on, which surely it is, then Cameron may be involved himself, in whatever capacity. There's no doubt that his derisory dismissal of "conspiracy theories" is beneath and beyond denial. He definitely knows something that he doesn't want us to know.

  3. Indeed Ben, Indeed...
