Thursday 12 March 2015

Being an Empath

Good evening everybody. My name is Ben Emlyn-Jones and I'm an empath... Will a day come when I really will utter those words? Sitting in a circle with a dozen other men at a room in a community centre? Why not? All my life I have been told constantly, in many different ways by many different people, that I have something wrong with me. Do I really suffer from a disorder? If so then the opportunity for a cure is everywhere. The room in the community centre is actually the entire world. I've talked several times about psychopaths and how they are being glamourized and glorified by society, see background links below, but perhaps it's more accurate to say that society is psychopathic. Our world is fundamentally a projection of the psychopathic consciousness. In such a society, empathy is logically regarded with contempt, as we would expect. We're seen as weak and corrupted, barely human at all. I've coined the term "pseudo-psychopath" for somebody who is not a psychopath but exhibits psychopathic personality traits. How many people are pseudo-psychopaths? It's probably more expedient to ask how few are not. They are people who have had the humanity thrashed out of them by the inquisition of the modern social order. Pseudo-psychopaths often suffer enormous emotional pain because of this; I know because I've encountered so many of them. They're the office manager who reprimands one of his staff unfairly because the rulebook tells him he has to. They're the IDF pilot who drops incendiary bombs onto a Palestinian neighbourhood. They're the boy at school who bullies others because he thinks it's the only way to survive in this "dog-eat-dog world, Mate!" The justification is that it's "just human nature, Man!" and that we have to screw others before they screw us. This is a prevailing view in our world which few people question because no alternative is intellectually acceptable. However I would ask why it is that something so natural and essential to our existence needs to be promoted so vigourously in the media and other social engineering facilities; why does it need this constant maintenance? And why then the psychological damage it causes, not just to their victims, but to the pseudo-psychopaths themselves? Why do they feel a deep sense of remorse despite the fact that they're just acting naturally and normally? Why feel ashamed when everybody and everything around them is telling them that they should feel proud, see:

The definitive study on this issue dates back to Dr Robert Hare and his invention of the "psychopath test", which was a first step to deciding whether somebody was a psychopath or normal; but at no time does Dr Hare turn his subject matter on its head and ask an obvious question: what if it's the psychopaths who are normal and the rest of us, the non-psychopaths, who are suffering from a pathology? That question had to wait for the arrival of Prof. Kevin Dutton. His notion is radically different to Hare's; for Dutton a regulated level of psychopathic tendencies in the mind are admirable and positive personality traits. Dutton's own psychopath test is very different to Hare's; if you score too low on it you are not passed as normal, but advised of your shortcomings and given advice on how to improve yourself, see here for more details: The film Saturn 3 is very interesting because its plot revolves around the battle between a psychopath and an empath, see: The same goes for the film Gaslight, which is where the term "gaslighting" comes from, meaning a form of mental abuse in which the attacker tries to fool the victim into believing they are going insane, see: The main difference between these older examples and modern fictional works is that in the older ones the viewer is left in no doubt about the moral perspective; the psychopath is bad and the empath is good, somebody blameless who deserves our support. In modern fiction these roles tend to be much more ambiguous and ever reversed, as is so often the case with TavistockEnders, see: This is having an impact on public opinion. Bernie Madoff was an investment banker who was convicted of the world's biggest act of fraud; he embezzled over sixty-five billion dollars out of his clients. News reports at the time referred to his victims very unsympathetically; they even called them "accomplices". This is not unlike the rapist saying: "she was asking for it!"; it's the very same moral equation. And as the researcher Clive Boddy discovered, companies in the financial sector are actually starting to use Hare's test when interviewing prospective employees; not to screen out psychopaths, but deliberately to recruit them. This has had devastating results on thousands of lives and has ruined the economy, see: and: Dutton's work is incredibly revealing, far more so that even he himself realizes. However, are psychopaths purely a product of Illuminati-occupied society or can they be found elsewhere... not that there's much of that elsewhere left these days? Indigenous peoples like the American Indians or South Sea islanders often have the concept of "men without souls". The difference is that once identified these individuals are immediately banished from the community, whereas in our world they're made the equivalent of chieftain. So we can't blame the Loomies for everything, contrary to what some people think. Don Juan Matus, the elderly medicine man whom Carlos Castaneda describes in his series of books, talks about what he calls the "predators" which are malevolent intelligences that exist beyond our physical world and he says dramatically: "They gave us their mind!" These "predators" are similar in nature to the Archons or what Muslims call the Djinn. Almost every culture in the world has some myth relating to the "Fall of Man", in which we humans fell from a higher spiritual state to a lower one, out of Eden, into the Kali Yuga. Is the presence of psychopaths in the human world a symptom of our fall from grace into that collective lower consciousness? Or perhaps they are the weapons that the predator consciousness uses to penetrate our universe, as Laura Knight-Jadczyk suggests here:

Either way, the result is that being an empath in today's world is difficult. All kinds of obstacles are put in our way and we attract a huge amount of contempt and hostility from many areas. This is a fact I realized long before I realized that I suffered from an empathic disorder. All attempts to treat my condition have failed and I will probably die an empath. Of course I'm being sardonic here. The thoughts and feelings I have relating to being an empath say more about the world we live in than me, myself. There are also plenty of other empaths out there whom I've got in touch with and befriended. Some of them score far lower on the Dutton scale than I do. We've learnt to stick together and fight back. As I said above, empaths are people who are affected emotionally by the wellbeing of others. We have been branded as "weak" and "feeble" and even unworthy of life by a society built upon the foundations of psychopathy. Do we really want to gain the approval of a society like that? Empaths are not weak and feeble, on the contrary; virtually by definition we are tough and resilient. To have reached adulthood with your empathy intact means that you have resisted an extraordinary amount of indoctrination and peer-pressure that is desperately urging you to abandon it. That takes a lot of strength and courage. It is the pseudo-psychopaths who are weak and feeble for it is they who have caved in. If empathy means being affected emotionally by the plight of others people, then it means that you will fight and risk your life out of a sense of justice when others wouldn't dare. Empaths can be heroic, virile and masculine men, and powerful, nurturing and beautiful women. Empathy is not a disorder; it is something admirable and noble, and it's something we should all be proud of.


  1. Could it be we are separating into two sub-species, like The Morlocks and Eloi ? (although obviously not the same)

  2. Everyone is worthy of compassionate understanding, this does not mean one is 'love and light' but acutely aware and prepared for both applying a shoulder to cry on and equally a swift dose of hardcore reality.

    Empathy is synonymous with Compassion. Compassion is greater than Love & Hate which are relative concepts, different meanings to different folks and subject to change. Compassion/Empathy is a universal rubric, the by-product of a number of factors but most notably from Wisdom and lack of Ego. The great sages and enlightened beings from Lao Tsu, Gandhi and enlightened beings down to your next door neighbour who exhibit certain qualities emminate from Compassion/Empathy.

    This does not mean you are weak, on the contrary, sometimes such beings do not hold any punches, what they do or say may seem shocking or hurtful both physically and verbally but they are words to remove ignorance and delusion, the opposite to those who do not exhibit this quality. Indeed, True words are false when they lead to delusion, ignorance or in collusion with agendas, but, false words and actions are true when applied to liberate and enlighten thus shattering such relative and manipulated emotional terms.

    They are accompanied by huge acts of sacrifice and bravery because they do not seek to protect their ILLUSORY DIM EGO's, other less empathetic individuals are cowards and their acts biased toward self-gain, indeed, people without Empathy will not risk themselves one jot if there is nothing in it for them or if it isn't supporting some ulterior motive. This unfortunately is a positive characteristic in the name of ruthless business, politics etc hence compassion is seen as weak because it is not a speculator, devisive or in it for 'gain'.

    To say 'I' am an empath almost does it injustice, perhaps it is better to say that we are spontanious beings-lifeforms that adapt to the environment in a complete way rather than the separated, devisive entities that do no wish to see things outside of their acutely self-centred, gratuitous consciousness. I am reminded of the Shaolin Monks who if needed to could fight off an army out of the right to protect life.

    Here's a toast to all empaths . . . and yet do not dismiss any other individual based on weather they like them or not because all things have potential for change, renewal, and that I think is real strength and true awareness. Indeed, the more we remove self-centrdness the more the environment and people we perceive naturally change and we see the potential more.

    The more human beings feel the destructive desire ridden need to be a dominating self, tries to intensify this self and reach never attainable
    personal 'perfection', the more drastically he steps out of this center of being, which is no longer his own center, the further he removes himself from it the more depraved and desperate and here I think is where the seductive magic of certain phantom entities can crystalize Ben. The closer to this true center wisdom and compassion naturally spring forth as well as contentment.

    We must not become like little Children, happy clappy but like Wind and Rain, Fire and Ice for these opposites are only our definitions used for self identification and abuse.

    Cheers Ben thought provoking artical

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. One other important thing is that this being said nobody with any sense would deny that childhood experiences, emotional turmoils etc are highly formative, or that certain genetic determinants are factors, or that temporally speaking, we are conditioned in our 'external' lives. But these factors are NOT ALL determining. A bump on the haid, traumatic event, awakening experiences can change an individual at any time, these accounts can be found in many ancient accounts and modern (including Philip K Dick). Indeed, I have had this experiance myself. Karma is a concept but I think it is used to explain a greater truth that we are all contingent beings at molecular to psychological levels. Even with this said, that may well be said from the standpoint of conventional knowledge but not true seen Noumenal, Intuitive wisdom and Empathy insight, which is co-terminous with our temporal lives.
