Saturday 24 January 2015

Eyes in Outer Space

Eyes in Outer Space is a short futuristic documentary by Walt Disney, made in association with the US Department of Defence in 1959. It's directed by Ward Kimball, one of Disney's most famous colleagues, the man behind films like Snow White and Dumbo. The narrator is none other than Walt Disney himself. It's currently available on YouTube, see: Partly live-action and partly animated, this twenty-five minute production is primarily about the weather. It explains what causes extreme weather, and illustrates the suffering and destruction it wreaks. It then paints a picture of the future in which satellites in space would one day help us to monitor and predict the weather. This is of course is a familiar reality today. Another prophesy it makes is that one day a global network will control the weather using high technology. The viewer is shown an imaginary scenario in which a hurricane is heading towards the eastern seaboard of the USA, a common threat in that region, and operators at a "world weather control centre" use various methods to deflect it back out into the Atlantic Ocean. They move a ridge of high pressure towards to coast to create a barrier against the hurricane; this can be done by deepening two depressions on either side of it, one in the central United States and one is eastern Canada. Chemicals are sprayed from the ground into the two stormy depressions. They're also deposited in the air at high altitude by "robot planes", what we'd nowadays call drones, chemtrails in other words. They also launch rockets which explode in the path of the hurricane, generating artificial clouds which block the suns rays from shining on the sea and fuelling the hurricane. In order to prevent flooding in the two depressions the control centre dispatches more drones to spread the storm out and dissipate its effects. This operation involves massive electrodes sticking up into the sky to charge the atmosphere with electromagnetic energy; just like HAARP. They are helped by the crew of a manned space station in low Earth orbit. After more rockets are shot into the hurricane clouds the storm finally moves out to sea where it can blow itself out harmlessly.

At the end of the film Disney states: "In the world of tomorrow, weather control will enrich and safeguard our daily lives." He goes on to predict that deserts can be made lush and fertile and frozen lands warmer. In one way this film, made fifty-six years ago, is very perceptive. We do indeed use rockets and satellites in weather forecasting and climatology. However the weather control scenes still look distinctly like science fiction. However are they? Has weather control not been realized in the same way, or has it just been realized in secret? After all when Eyes in Outer Space was made weather modification was obviously being discussed openly. HAARP is very real, and more and more people are wondering what its true purpose is. The same goes for chemtrails, which are essentially what is described in the film. Are we having our weather and climate controlled by artificial means? I think so. The idea of geoengineering is becoming semi-mainstream. It's being addressed seriously; plans are being made and some academic institutions are offering courses in geoengineering, primarily the Oxford Martin School, see (from about eleven minutes in): These courses are only theoretical naturally, but they could be a way for "talent scouts" in the real geoengineering projects to pick out dedicated, desperate and discreet new recruits. When the Disney film was made the science of weather modification was completely in the public light. It must be obvious to anybody watching Eyes in Outer Space that surely the same technology used to drive a hurricane away from the United States could also be used to drive one towards an enemy nation. Therefore weather control could become a very potent weapon of war. It's not a conspiracy to say that it has been developed and even deployed in action; experiments date back to the 18th century. During the Vietnam War American forces initiated "Project Popeye", a highly classified mass cloud seeding programme along the western borders of Vietnam to increase the monsoon rains and flood out the Viet Cong's supply routes from the North. The roads of the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" were all washed away or covered with landsides; bridges were destroyed, paths were inundated by swollen rivers and the supply routes cut off. The British government did cloud seeding experiments in the 1940's and 50's called "Project Cumulus". I've spoken before about how I suspect this was the cause of the Lynmouth Disaster, see:, but can it ever be proved? Maybe one day. I would say that Eyes in Outer Space is an important historical document that could be used in investigation into cases like Lynmouth. What about other similar events? Was Hurricane Katrina one of these attacks? If so was it accidental or deliberate? FEMA certainly used the disaster to exercise its civil emergency powers. Peter Robbins has also explained in his book Left at East Gate which he co-wrote with Larry Warren, that the Great Storm of 1987 which destroyed much of Rendlesham Forest, was not natural. The BBC weatherman Michael Fish infamously commented the day before that no hurricane was coming, so this was not one predictable by the Met Office which was monitoring natural weather patterns, see: We also have the strange behaviour of Hurricane Erin which turned very sharply away from the striking New England and New York City on September the 11th 2001. Is this because of the 9/11 attacks? I think so. As Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson have discovered, the kind of weaponry used to destroy the World Trade Centre also has an effect on weather, see: There are no conclusive answers here, but this mountain of coincidences and historical silences leads us to be very wary. (Thanks to Tiberius Kirk for bringing this to my attention.)


  1. These type of films especially being those of Walt Disney are clearly the product of information that he was privy to and no doubt ideas and plans shared by the US elite and good ol' Walt both aT facilities and at his home over cheese and sherry. What a treasure trove of prophetic proposals and intentions!. This is the 'seeding' of not just clouds but both the Minds of Child and Adult Americans of which Disney would be the ideal medium as it represented 'innocence' and 'imagination'. Very interesting Ben. Thanks for the post...

  2. Hi X. You're welcome :-) Walt Disney, being such an important media propaganda artist, was probably privy to some highly classified material. I'm not sure if he was told the serious geoengineering proposals by the US government or He told THEM!

  3. "I'm not sure if he was told the serious geoengineering proposals by the US government or He told THEM!";-

    I think you may be right there Ben!. Just because Walt Disney made 'cartoons' it is clear that he had a great imagination that was clearly applicated and directed toward imaginative-science too.Scientific progress is but 'imagination' and the greater the subjective imagination the greater possibility of modes, especially if that imagination has an agenda and excellent grasp of scientific concepts. I will be interested to research a bit more of Walt's propensity to practical application of imagination!.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. He was very much a man of mystery, there's a rumour he was into cryonics and his body is now frozen in a canister waiting to be revived. He was a master of psychology and must have had some contact with mind control think tanks
