Saturday 6 December 2014

Welsh Pagan Site Destroyed

It's not often I hear news from Lampeter, my place of birth, but I have now. I was just eight years old when I moved from there to live in my current hometown of Oxford. Lampeter is a small town in west Wales, quite remote and home to less than three thousand people; however it is very unusual. Its most prominent feature is its college, part of the University of Wales, Trinity St Davids probably making Lampeter the smallest university town in the world. The presence of Lampeter College attracts people from around the world; this  gives the town a far more cosmopolitan atmosphere than other rural Welsh settlements of its kind. However this hasn't stopped it from being a major stronghold of Welsh culture and the Welsh language is dominant in the local community (After years of living in England I'm pretty rusty myself in that respect). In the grounds of the college, where my friends and I used to sneak in under the noses of the security guards and play illegally, there is an outdoor neopagan temple. This consists of a circular stone structure with an altar and fire pit where people who believe in Druidism and the other ancient spiritual faiths of Britain hold ceremonies, mostly members of the university's pagan society. However in 2011 this shine was vandalized. What's more it wasn't done just by naughty schoolboys or a rampage by a bunch of drunks either; it was highly organized and methodical. The site was damaged beyond repair; the college is currently raising money to build a new one. The destruction was so extensive that pickaxes, crowbars and other heavy weapons must have been used. Even the steps leading down to the circle were smashed. People who teach and study at the college have commented that the attack may well be connected to the internal politics of the university. The pagan society in Lampeter has seventy or so members yet the college is world famous for its theology courses and Anglican seminary. Some suspect theology tutors and students of conspiring to destroy the temple; the case is being treated as a hate crime. Apparently there's a traditional Christian tendency in the department which is very fire-and-brimstone. The department includes a Muslim studies course. Muslim extremists have been known to desecrate pagan holy places, like the Taliban did to the Buddhist shrines in Afghanistan, but when doing this Muslims tend to shun secrecy. On the contrary they often carry out their sacrileges openly and vocally, see:

Despite this, the police have made no arrests. That's very odd because I remember well how difficult it was to keep anything secret in Lampeter. The town's gossip mill was renowned, probably due to the small size and isolation of the place. Are the authorities turning a blind eye? If so why? Do they just want to "sort it out in their own way", or is there more to this story than there appears to be on the surface? The pagan establishment in Lampeter is not an ancient sacred site; in fact it doesn't date back further than 1822 when the college was founded. However what happened to the temple is disturbingly similar to what Graham Hancock reports from Malta. In his book Underworld- Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age Hancock embarks on a trip to the Mediterranean island nation of Malta to investigate the mysterious and really ancient prehistoric constructions such as the temples of Gigantija and Hagar Qim. These beautiful stone monuments have been badly damaged by gangs wielding pickaxes, sledge hammers and even mechanical diggers. The Maltese government has been forced to post armed guards on as many of the sites as it can, see: Again, these attacks have a specific motive; they're not just the handiwork of hot-headed mobs. It is no secret that in the past groups of powerful individuals connected to the Vatican and the European empires attempted to wipe out the legacy of older indigenous cultures both at home and abroad. This is what the Conquistadors did in the Americas during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Yet one and a half millennia earlier the Roman Empire did the very same thing. Here in Britain, in Wales too in fact, the Roman legions sacked the sacred island of Anglesey and destroyed the Druid groves, see: Yet in Africa the British Empire did the very same thing almost two thousand years later, as Credo Mutwa has described, see: Is this just a coincidence that these very different power-structures which rose and fell many centuries apart carried out the exact same actions? The elites of this world, all through history, seem to have a peculiar and inexplicable aversion to native natural spirituality; why is that? Could this be because such knowledge is a threat to the unnatural and inhuman malevolent consciousness that has infected this universe though their agents in the Illuminati? The above link to David Icke's famous interview with Credo Mutwa does a good job in addressing these questions. The temple in Lampeter was a modern replica, yet the people using it may well have been genuine truthseekers who were in touch with the real spiritual past of these islands; that is the threat. It's not the empty lumps of stone that count, it's the spirit within them that works through the people who worship through them. At the same time, at first glance paradoxically, authorities in England and Wales are commissioning public art and sculpture that resembles the style of ancient prehistoric monuments; I call this "neo-Neolithic" or "neo-megalithic", see: It's as if they want to destroy the original and then build their own copy of it. Could this simply be arrogant vainglory and triumphalism? Perhaps; they're certainly capable of that, see: Or is that also part of an agenda for a specific occult purpose? 


  1. Great piece Ben. It is interesting you mention groups of powerful individuals such as those connected to the Vatican, European empires etc as they are all connected in that these institutes are groomed, funded and allied with by those 'illuminated', it represents a frontal assault on our ideas of freedom and human dignity. Those at the very top do not believe in these religions and institutions per se. but as a means of control and sanctioned 'God Ordained' retribution. Theology in a similar fashion. It is interesting that Muslims destroyed Buddhist sites as the historical Buddha (we are all awakened beings in potential) taught non attachment to theology before penetrating it's intrinsic nature rather than it's ambivalence that relies an antinomies. The Illuminates system relies upon scientifically 'unprovable' or theologically 'unverifiable' assertions of which it alone manages through both destruction, with-holding of knowledge and propaganda. There is a connection as you say to a kind of parasitic consciousness that is a mirror reflection of our inverted Ego's (When the Mind is pure the real is pure) As you state; "The elites of this world, all through history, seem to have a peculiar and inexplicable aversion to native natural spirituality; why is that? Could this be because such knowledge is a threat to the unnatural and inhuman malevolent consciousness that has infected this universe though their agents in the Illuminati?" This is because this ancient knowledge and spirituality was acute and talks of the sublimation of these entities including the concept of a Vengeful 'God' who has favorites intead they understand reality replaced by a non-dual creative universal ground where what is 'real' is beyond the reach of any conditioned terms. This is the truth that unravels a universal war and a war within the self, de-powering both and this is what 'they' are afraid of. In the Euroccentric Institutional academia they have tried to present this spirituality as 'natural-religion' i.e a native ignorance that does not understand either nature or religion as they had developed it. But the terminology involved reflects Western 'Elitist' categories of thinking and does not even reflect it's own pagan history. Themes like Karma, rebirth etc are a reality these traditions understood and experienced before this destruction and this cannot be understood in either a linear 'natural' way or in a 'Judeo Islamic religious' way as it was and is to many an essential spiritual reality and world view. Even Spiritualist Churches are aware of some of these implications. The David Icke interview looks fascinating I shall watch it Ben.

  2. One other thing I wish to add to the already long list of drivel:). It is important for me just to state that often I refer to 'non-dual' as if in some nihilistic term. What is meant is that everything is interdependent and has no independant existance outside of this fact (including 'birth' and 'death'). We must use our innate ability to focus our attention towards the patterns of mutual conditioning taking place among the diverse aspects of our world and our inner world. This natural way is the spirituality known for aeons by ancient archaic spirituality and it seems a malevolent force is given chance to disrupt this natural flow into limited and perpetually destructive patterns rather than as natural but resolving patterns. Sorry to take up so much space. With regards.

  3. Thanks, X. Definitely those in the Elite do not believe in Christianity even though they say they do. They know they created it. the same goes for other faiths; the Quran was written by the Vatican. Matthew Delooze calls the clique that channel predatory consciousness "the Serpent Cult". It's OK, you never drivel, X! The "danger" posed, from the Elite's point of view. is primarily spiritual. There's no way they'd go to such an effort otherwise. Actually I find Spiritualism is often completely oblivious and indifferent to the concepts we've brought up here. I do attend Spiritualist churches sometimes when I'm in the mood. However I don't feel comfortable getting too much involved in them. I was asked if I wanted to be treasurer at the Oxford one once!

  4. Dear Ben. Thank's for your reply and interesting info. "The "danger" posed, from the Elite's point of view. is primarily spiritual. There's no way they'd go to such an effort otherwise."... Yes you are absolutely correct because Spirituality is the source of wisdom which is not 'Lovey Dovey' but acts according to situations sometimes in unusual and sometimes in perceived 'Agressive' ways (a lot of Chinese Zen/Ch'an masters behaved in audacious but compassionate way's) the key is compassion. It ties in with this serpent cult theory and psychopaths which are devoid of compassion but can 'act' in a manipulative and enticing way that can mimick affection etc. After watching that brilliant David Icke interview with Creda Mutwa it is clear that there is an archaic understanding of this be it from Africa, Native America or the East who describe this predetory consciousness. It is interesting that the ancient wise one's could be approached but never 'taken over' by these entities and there are stories of Shamans and Buddha's when giving advice and teachings that many different beings and entities came to listen and this included the concept of serpent entities like the one's Credo mentions and in the East 'mahoragas' etc. The elite and these entities understand the ambivalent nature of consciousness in a more acute way than many Human's whilst having (like Animals) different modes of sense, perhaps more advanced including technology and I think this is what is being manipulated, our ignorance. Oh, by the way 'treasurer' at the Oxford spiritualist Church, well, that's one for the C.V Ben!. Take care

  5. They have been desecrating, destroying our ancient pagan sites for a long time, i have personally seen lot of exmples. Covering up the truth and using a campaign of disinformation to mislead the masses... all across Ireland and UK this has been happening especially and also across Europe and same with the native indians of america and their large religious complexes most almostly completely desecrated and covered up, as in Ireland and the UK . It seems to threatin the unholy agenda of the scumbags in power. Also in in the last 50 years they hve been planting timber forests over our ancient spiritual sites s a means of cover up and destruction, which i have also seen 1st hand, alot! Along with quarrying, clearance for development or agriculture and even some situations of thing as preposterous as placing a rubbish dump ontop of a especially spritual site which was a ancient cemetary of which was possibly the largest and most ancient on the planet. Which consisted off many stone circles, dolmens, cairns and such covering a large rea of many acres. Carrowmore cemetery(only 1/3 remains which was proposed site for rubbish dump, shocking) Also the thornbury hendges is an example of the menacing coverup agenda which luckily was quashed by local resistance. The druids temple, yorkshire. The burren co.cavan, navan fort co armagh, dowth mound in the newgrange complex., massive dewelings on the west coast of Scotland covered by pine forest for timber harvest, avebury complex, even stonehendge and many more sites that i cant think of at the moment but its a reoccurring trend of coverup from many different tactics of disinformation. Scum.
    Peace, freedom, holy spirit.

  6. I dont want my comment to be visible im trying to write to ben .

  7. Hi Anon.
    It's very sad they do this. Illuminati scum!
