Sunday 14 December 2014

David Icke is Human

Roll up, roll up. Read all about it. Yes, David Icke is not a reptilian MI5 agent, nor is he a flawless messiah. He is human. A few years ago The Daily Mail published another of their archetypal scoops in their women's column, predictably called Femail. This was written by Natalie Clarke and put on the online version of the newspaper on the 9th of January 2012; this was following on from a comment in the public box posted in an abysmal trashpot they wrote about David a few weeks earlier, see: The comment was by Pamela Leigh Richards who is David's ex-wife. David rarely speaks or writes publicly about his private life; he once gave a hint on stage at one of his shows: "Bah! If dolphins could sue...!" I've heard from several people close to the Icke family about how Pamela was a vicious gold-digging harridan who tried to ruin their lives; but it sounded so simple that even then I knew there had to be more to the story. When it comes to personal relationships, the whole truth can only ever be known by those directly involved in it, but if, or when, it does go public both sides of the story have to be told. The report of how David and Pam met is one I'm familiar with because of a two-part radio interview on News for the Soul Pam gave many years ago while she and David were still together; this show is no longer available. Pamela and David met very fatefully; both felt that psychic predictions were fulfilled when they walked past each other by the swimming pool at that conference. She was wearing a mauve gown and he had an English accent. It sounds to me like in the initial period of their relationship they were totally loved-up on each other in a very adolescent way. I've found in my own life that this can be a bad sign; falling too quickly and too deeply for a girl often leads to disappointment and stagnation. Both parties resent the other for failing to maintain the situation, when in truth the affair was an attempt to launch a rocket into orbit on the booster stage alone; it doesn't work. To love a girl for year after year after year, you need more than hormones; you need a sense of companionship, affinity and mutual acceptance. In this case Pam was getting involved with a man who already had a massive amount of personal baggage when it comes to the opposite sex. David had fallen in love with Linda Atherton during his football career and they'd married in 1971. He still loves her; according to a channelled message: "he is the roses and she is the rose bowl". However during his spiritual emergence crisis (I won't use the word "breakdown" because that's inaccurate and pejorative) he also got involved with a woman he met during one of his earth-healing missions to Canada. Her name was Deborah Shaw, yet she goes under the name "Mari Shawsun" today. She lives not far from me and practices in alternative medicine and lives with her and David's daughter Rebecca who is now in her early twenties. Almost unbelievably, from an outsider's point of view, David, Linda and Mari agreed to have a ménage a trois; Mari would come and live with David, Linda and their children in their home on the Isle of Wight as David's second wife. This is very similar to Ayn Rand and her affair with Nathanial Brandon, see: and: It was equally disastrous. In the end they could bear it no longer and Mari was told to leave. By that time Rebecca had been born and David had to make a crushing decision regarding his involvement with his daughter. He chose to stay with Linda and his other children, and break all contact from Mari and Rebecca. As a loving father myself, I can begin to imagine the emotional agony this must have caused David. And of course David's fame... or infamy... meant that everybody in the world knew about it as the tale was splattered all over the centre pages of the Sunday Murdochs. Nobody gets over and moves on completely from something like that, and these are the waters Pam was diving into, see: Here's Pamela Leigh Richards' personal website:

The article about Pamela is filled with the same typical rhetoric, condescension and sensationalism that the first one about David was, but at least some of it is factually accurate. According to Pam the trouble started when money became involved, and money is another great destroyer of idealism. David Icke is a businessman, that's undeniable, and this is the fact that has launched a thousand clickbait crusades by the self-appointed armchair gauleiters of the Truth movement. I address this problem in more detail in my review of David's 2014 Wembley gig, see the background link at the bottom; but suffice to say it has become incredibly cool to be anti-Icke. In fact this coolness borders on the cultish. There are hundreds of websites and Facebook groups filled with people who gather every evening and carry out ritual desecrations of David Icke and pour emasculating scorn on anybody who so much as utters a kind word in relation to him. These people are more often than not fellow conspiracy theorists instead of Skeptics, and they accuse David of every misdemeanour and atrocity you could name. The most common, as well as one of the more minor, of these is that David is "in it for the money!" And indeed The Daily Mail article on Pam reinforces that point of view with: She says her lawyer has instructed her not to disclose the size of the settlement she is seeking, but it is likely that Icke is a rich man. His tour is a success, he has written 18 books, published in 20 countries and sells DVDs of his performances. As I said in my Wembley review, this doesn't make sense. It's highly unlikely David made any significant cash off that lecture, or any of his other tour events. Book selling is becoming less and less lucrative every day, see: David gave up a career in TV presenting that could have made him a millionaire to do what he does today; his is a classic riches to rags story. David is an entrepreneur who earns a reasonable amount of money from his business, but so what? Is that illegal? Did the communist party take power during the night? "Rich" is a relative term; David probably is a "rich man" compared to me and many other people I know, but lives in abject poverty compared to his former BBC sports stars, with his one-bed flat and driving his blue C-reg Proton Wira. But let's face it, the anti-Icke posse would still claim David is making lots of money if he lived in a rolled up newspaper in a septic tank. Business life is intricate and conflict can easily emerge from disagreements, especially if your working life and family life are combined. According to Pamela, Linda was the one who initiated the falling out and David harshly turned against Pam afterwards; however my source told me that Pam was the snake in the garden. You see how difficult it is to fathom other people's personal issues? It's something I'm not going to even attempt, let alone pass judgement on. David Icke is a human being, and more precisely a man. And, like any other man, if you deprive him of female company for a certain amount of time it adversely affects his thinking processes. It can't be easy for a bloke to be approaching your sixties and have no wife or steady girlfriend. What's more the catastrophes of the past must have still been weighing him down. When I looked at Pamela and listened to her talking I found her very beautiful, charismatic, intelligent and elegant. She comes across in her News for the Soul interview as empathic, cheery and sweet. How can we blame David for letting himself be taken by a woman like her? Like many men of his age he might well have been suffering from a touch of le feu a midi. I have a lot of respect for David Icke, as I explain in my Wembley review, but I regard him as very fallible. As I said, I won't comment further on his relationships, but he has made some bad errors of judgement in his professional life, especially relating to The People's Voice. The problem with a lot of folk is that they misjudge David because they either did regard him as the son of God and had enormous expectations of him which he failed to live up to; or the opposite: their entire identity and sense of self-esteem depends on David being the subhuman antichrist chicken-fucker from Hell during times when he actually shows considerable character. I can only reiterate what I said about Wembley; David Icke is human, and none of you will ever find peace with him or yourselves until you accept that basic fact.


  1. Right from the headline, you nailed this issue Ben. Not many neutral minds left in the zealous truth movement but you are on of them. From the point of view that Icke is human, he deserves credit for his hard graft at least.

  2. Hi Ben. The issue of 'Money' really just projects it's personal representation to us personally and as you said; "Rich" is a relative term". Im a not a 'socialist' (although I naively flirted with it's implications)and likewise with no illusions do I either think that capitalism's so called 'free markets' are intrinsically anymore respectful to human freedom or dignity. We move as inverted human beings in it's correlating dualistic world of opposites, one of which is in the concept of 'material' wealth which some people have. David as a business man is entitled to persue this but the key point is is that he is using it in a way that also allows him to reach people and it takes somebody to enter or be in that position in order to do so, we all have our own karma which can put us in any social position but it does not mean that being wealthy, famous or otherwise detracts from our spiritual sincerity or gravitas. These values pivot upon something deeper, and without that, there is little to prevent society drifting into social controls and these 'controls' can also come from within the 'Truth Movement' as you say the self appointed 'armchair gauleiters' which is another form of fascism in itself!. Sometimes not having such wealth is a lot more liberating and demanding not to mention the invasion of your 'private life' and contentment is real wealth. The anti-icke posse like many others would actually be more comfortable to see somebody 'suffering' for what they believe in a way that they can understand, viz. To be poor or an emotional wreck, the very things that we are trying to liberate ourselves from in our inner conscious controlled minds and its objective outer elite controlled lives. A little compassion would not go amiss here. We are all human while we experience this life in our limited ways but as an old proverb say's; "High ground does not produce the lotus, which grows only in muddy places' those who take the moral high ground will never find anywhere to plant there roots but it is in our own humanity that we find it's source which is not separate from it. Thanks for sharing Ben

  3. Thanks, Unknown. That's totally right. Hats off to Our Dave :-)

  4. You're welcome, X. I know that capitalism has had a bad rap lately, but I consider it not capitalism but corporate feudalism. This was the point Stefan Molyneux tried to make to Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement, but Joseph wasn't having any of it. The idea of "armchair guardians" and the lives they hurt is even more topical than I thought. I had not heard about the ordeal of Danielle la Verite when I wrote this piece about David Icke. Thanks for another detailed and intelligent comment 8-)

  5. Great article and much respect to David Icke for his contribution to the world of conspiracy and truth. For anyone who knocks Mr Icke for his money, please remember the people who you vote in to parliament are nothing but business men/women. The people who treat our education systems and health service like a corporation with ever tightening budgets as the rich and wealthy enjoy tax breaks and war budgets increase. WAKE UP and RISE against corporate greed and stop demonising people who seek truth and relay evidence which contradicts mainstream education and the scientific establishment.

  6. Thanks very much, Anon. Good points you make. It seems some people can make all the cash they want through ill-gotten gains and nobody seems to care. But others earn an honest living for a sincere cause and all hell breaks loose!
