Tuesday 11 November 2014

My Ident on Wythenshawe FM

I'm pleased to say that Sandra Shufflebottom is using my ident on The Unedited Audio Experience Show which she hosts. See here for my interview on the programme: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/ben-emlyn-jones-on-wythenshawe-fm.html. Sandra's show is really good; she is very outspoken about conspiratorial and paranormal matters and has had some problems as a result. However she has pressed on and is doing a great job. We recorded it at the Rendlesham Forest Incident Conference a few weeks ago, whioch gives it a bit of atmosphere I think. It was very easy; I just say: "I am Ben Emlyn-Jones and you're listening to The Unedited Audio Experience with Sandra Shufflebottom." You'll be able to hear it at odd intervals during Sandra's broadcasts.
See here for Sandra's online radio page: http://www.spreaker.com/user/theuneditedaudioexperience.

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