Monday 17 November 2014

Hitler escaped to Brazil

A new report has emerged from a Brazilian author and researcher claiming that Adolf Hitler used to live in Brazil for many years after he is supposed to have been killed at the end of World War II. I've written before about my doubts that the Nazi leader, der Fuhrer, really did shoot himself in his command bunker just before Berlin fell to the Red Army at the end of World War II. What's more, about a year ago a man called Rochus Misch, the last witness to Hitler's alleged suicide, died, see: I've also studied the work of Gerrard Williams and Simon Dunstan also claiming that Hitler travelled to South America after the war and lived there until his death the early 1960's, see: This new book, Hitler in Brazil - His Life and His Death by Simoni Renee Guerreiro Dias, pinpoints the Nazi leader very precisely to a small town near the city of Cuiaba in the state of Mato Grosso in central Brazil. Here he lived until much later under the pseudonym of Adolf Leipzig; Hitler was a big fan of the classical composer Johann Sebastian Bach who came from the city of Leipzig in Germany, hence this is a clue. He escaped from Berlin in April 1945 and fled to South America where he went off grid, desperate to flee from the forces of law and order. The region is rural and isolated, one of the few places on Earth that the world's most wanted man could hide. He made a home there under his false identity and was nicknamed "the old German" by the local people who had no idea who he really was. He found a lover there called Cutinga. She was a black woman, which might sound strange considering Hitler's political views on racial matters; however I've found that racists tend to be quite confused people in this way. Hitler definitely wouldn't be the first white supremacist whose public pronouncements and private life totally contradict each other. According to Guerreiro Dias' book, Adolf Hitler died in 1984 at the ripe old age of ninety five. Guerreiro Dias is Jewish and must feel very strongly about the way her people suffered and died under the Nazi regime; she has worked for over two years on her research and is currently seeking a court injunction to exhume "Adolf Leipzig"'s body and have it subjected to DNA tests which would prove or disprove her case once and for all. Her lead came from a nun who worked at a hospital in Cuiaba who recognized the old man when he came there for an operation shortly before his death. Guerreiro Dias has evidence in the form of a grainy and badly-lit photo supposedly showing the renegade Fuhrer posing with his girlfriend Cutinga, see:

There are several very plausible factors that support this theory. The municipality where the suspect lived is called Nossa Senhora do Livramento; Nossa Senhora is Portuguese for "Our Lady", a common title for any place or institution connected to the Vatican, and indeed the central town is seat of the Roman Catholic diocese of Livramento de Nossa Senhora. The nun who alerted Guerreiro Dias became suspicious when she voiced her misgivings to the hospital manager. She was reprimanded and told that the enigmatic old man was there on "Vatican orders". There is talk of a hoard of treasure in the area belonging to the Jesuits, which is now Guerreiro Dias got involved in the mystery. Did the Catholic Church have something to do with Hitler's escape from Germany? Did they provide sanctuary for him in Brazil for all those years? Or is there more to this story? Indeed Guerreiro Dias has failed to convince many people and one mainstream historian called her ideas "two thousand percent rubbish". Despite my own belief that Hitler did escape from Berlin, I'm not convinced that he lived in Brazil; I suspect he went somewhere even more remote and inaccessible. A few years ago I met a man who claimed to be a former soldier who had taken part in a secret war in Antarctica. According to him, Adolf Hitler was living at a Nazi base on the frozen continent until at least 1948, see: Some HPANWO-readers might question why I'm bothering to discuss this case? What's the point if Hitler did succeed in escaping and did manage to hide from justice for the rest of his life? Why reopen old wounds? I think it does matter very much, and it's highly relevant for the future and for all people if the Catholics really did collude with leading Hitler to safety, faking evidence of his death and hiding him till the end of his days, which were disturbingly recent. If they're capable of doing such a thing then they need to be exposed. What's to stop them doing the same with some other undesirables? Seriously, are we sure they're not currently secreting Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden in some luxury retreat on Tahiti or somewhere?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hitler lived in Patagonia, S. America apparently.

  3. Here's an interesting article from Bill Warner investigations:

  4. Thanks, Hilary. Williams and Dunstan say Hitler went to Argentina. It's possible both are true. He might have moved around a lot.

  5. Hello Ben, I wondered if you've looked at the work of Deanna Spingola, Rodney Martin or Veronica Clark to name but a few historians as I don't believe that your premise is founded on fact (or the source you cite). I'm firmly of the opinion having looked at the factual evidence presented by these people to say that Hitler was at the very least a leader that actually lead his country with the knowledge that the Jews (and their lackeys) had and were deliberately provoking him into a War that he tried repeatedly to avoid. But, a brief look at the true history (see above) will show WW1 and WW2 were always going to happen to get the Jews further along in their control over us all i.e. all non-jews (kasars that is).
