Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Coxxer on Alien Life

Sometimes the mainstream media will initiate an aggressive preemptive attack, and we all know way too much about that, but at other times their actions are retaliatory strikes, or damage control operations. A recent case in point has emerged. A few weeks ago, on the 8th of October 2014, a video was uploaded to YouTube featuring an explosive interview with Boyd Bushman; a few days after he recorded this he died, so this was a kind of deathbed confession. At the time of writing this video has received over a million views, see:  Born in 1936, Boyd Bushman was a senior research engineer at Lockheed Martin, one of the largest companies in the furtive world of defence contractors which operates at Area 51. In this interview Bushman discusses UFO’s; a friend of his took some photographs of the city of Tucson in Arizona USA and UFO’s appear in the shots. Bushman reveals how during his work in the black budget military-industrial complex he carried out projects involving UFO research. He claims that he had physical contact with aliens and they took photographs themselves of the planets of the solar system and the interior of their spacecraft. He also showed more photos displaying the alleged aliens themselves; however some people have said that these photos are fake. The aliens have long fingers and are friendly; they come from a planet 60 light-years away. According to Bushman, American scientists are working on UFO and alien research every day at secret military establishments; this includes programmes developing free energy and anti-gravity. Also he describes how US military personal had encounters with UFO's and their occupants, up to and including being taken on board the craft. I watched this with interest soon after it was posted. I was familiar with Boyd Bushman from Nick Cook’s documentary Billion Dollar Secret; according to the narrator, Bushman “talks in riddles”, see: I didn’t expect the story to go any further, but then a few days ago, almost unbelievably, it was featured in the Metro, see: This is a free British newspaper distributed on buses, trains, railway stations and other public places related to transport; it has an average estimated daily readership of 3.5 million. Suddenly Boyd Bushman’s final testimony became headlines. I should really have predicted what came next, but my Facebook friend and conspiratorial researcher Ryan Carr was the first to realize the coincidental timing of another article that was flooding the social media conspirasphere, this one: That smiling Simeon of the small screen, Prof. Brian Cox is in the papers… again!... this time announcing how unlikely it is that there is intelligent life out in space. He considers the Earth extremely lucky to have had all the right combinations of organic chemistry and astronomical alignment to build the biological world of complex animal life around us. Frankly I’m tempted to wonder how much intelligent life there is behind his front door. This is not the first time Cox has been used by the media for propaganda, here’s another example: As I’ve said before, I think Prof. Brian Cox has been established to play a very unique and highly sinister role in the world of psychological warfare, especially in the area of scientific suppression, see: The key point is: check the dates! The Cox story came out the same day as Bushman’s. Is that a coincidence? Or was it a desperate attempt by whoever is trying to keep Bushman’s disclosure under wraps to confuse and discourage curiosity among the readers? Even if some of what Bushman showed is indeed fake, such a high profile witness talking about something so extraordinary could cause people to ask too many serious questions about subjects they’re not supposed to take seriously.


  1. The Guardian interviewed Cox a few weeks ago and they asked him (I might have the wording slightly wrong but the gist is right) what the worst crime, in his book, would be, and he answered 'not being open minded'.

    Made me laugh, considering.

  2. Great research and article. I am not one of Mr Cock's fans. He leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  3. Hi Ben,
    I was only made aware of the Bushman video a couple of days ago and featured it, and a comment (or two) on my Buzz Extra page. Going by the photographs of the foot and the hand, I'm inclined to feel that this man is probably genuine. The hand (notice the wide space between the first two fingers) matches the fingermarks that were left on my arm. The foot is exactly the same as I have been describing in my talks.
    I think you're right about Cox, and the timing, he even looks like a mannequin.

  4. saw this show, one minute he was in favour, the next he was against. It was all scripted.

  5. Anon and Jason. I know, I'm watching it now and he's on about the "WOW!" Signal. I wonder if he's going to mention UFO's. I think the scripts he reads are designed to be confusing

  6. Thanks, Ell. I will have a look at the Buzz

  7. Brian Cox said once that Carl Sagan was one of his childhood inspirations. But is unwilling to be like his maverick childhood hero and admit there is life out there.

  8. Good to have this connection on record. It happens probably more than we realise - i.e. disclosures/leaks being "managed" by putting out some claptrap from a well-known talking (or keyboard playing) head...

  9. So when proof is finally allowed out and Brainless cocks is proven wrong should we then question his academic credentials he seems to be putting his future career in grave danger of being regarded as an assumption agent and unwilling or unable to study and investigate these serious subjects properly and diligently..............
    Not that I give a toss about the cocks
