Friday, 28 February 2025

Kelly's New Start

Kelly Chase is one of the most renowned of the so-called "young guns" of UFOlogy. Her podcast series The UFO Rabbit Hole has become very popular and influential. I once met Kelly at Contact in the Desert last year where she was a speaker, see: A couple of weeks ago she surprised all her followers by changing the name of her show to Cosmosis adding the subtitle "formerly The UFO Rabbit Hole". She then produced a forty-six minute monologue explaining why. She has joined forces with an ET contact experiencer J Christopher King to create a new show with a new perspective. She is going to focus more upon "high strangeness" than the "nuts and bolts" side of things. In fact she thinks the latter is too narrow in scope and based on limited information. Her doubts began when she listened to Karl Nell's lecture at the 2023 Sol Foundation conference, see: She has spotted some contradictions and illogical ideas in the post-2017 Disclosure movement. For instance, nobody really defines what UFO's or UAP really are. Also the transparency drive is not something that has broken out into the public domain against the wishes of the military intelligence network, it is something they are actively carrying out and all the supposed whistleblowers, like Lue Elizondo and David Grusch etc, are not outsiders; they are acting with the complete approval of the US government. What Nell described is a completely controlled and scheduled process that is designed to serve nobody but the interests of said government. The Department of Defence has a fairly simple and singular role, to protect the United States from harm by any means necessary. It has never been a part of their portfolio to reveal information to the public for the sake of honesty or charity. They have nothing to gain in terms of mission success, and indeed potentially a lot to lose. So why is the DoD running the show? The UFO whistleblowers are hardly in prison or exile like Assange and Snowden etc. They're walking the streets unmolested and are even keynote speakers on the UFO conference circuit. Kelly is not the only person to have noticed this and made this point. It is a question that deserves an answer.
Despite this, clearly something significant has changed since 2017, but nobody knows what exactly. "We don't even get to know the rules (of the game)" as Kelly puts it. Whatever it is though, it is something planned and organized by the government intelligence community. This train of thought inevitably brings up the possibility of fake Disclosure, but what kind? One of the most fashionable answers to this question is that UFO's don't exist but the government are pretending they do. Implausible, in my view; see here for details: Is it all faked in the sense that the government will admit that UFO's are real, but lie about their nature and threat level? More likely I'd say; see here for details: This endless tangled knot of information and misinformation has led Kelly to take a different approach. She is henceforth going to focus on field research and working with witnesses and experiencers independently. She is interested in "high strangeness", the phenomenon's connection to the paranormal, esoteric, occult and spiritual. Source: She is not alone in this area of research and it has a proud tradition. Jacques Valée and John Keel are well-known figures who pioneered these ideas in the past. I personally don't believe that the high strangeness and nuts-and-bolts, or classic ETH, theries are mutually exclusive. I am interested in both. They also overlap considerably. For example, the grey aliens appear to exhibit aetheric and physical attributes together in the same being. They sometimes behave like ghosts, floating in the air and moving through walls as if they were not solid. At the same time they sometimes make footprints; and when they die they leave behind a corpse. In this way they are almost cryptozoological, like Bigfoot. It seems contradictory that the same entities can be both kinds of object, but is it? We may find out there is a solution that explains this contradiction. That's why I keep examining all areas of UFOlogy. It is becoming clear to me that UAP is an umbrella term that we have applied generically to something that may be more than one phenomenon. As Kelly says at the end of the last episode of The UFO Rabbit Hole, she may end up back where she started. As for the more mainstream traditional Disclosure world, I think I would agree with Kelly more if I had not come to wonder whether the forces of the Truth Embargo were still in control of the state. I suspect something very fundamental has shifted in that respect forcing them to retreat and it has loosened their grip on power. If this is the case then it may very well become a part of the DoD's role to aid with the slow and measured cultural agenda to reveal the ET presence in a way that does not cause... and I love this buzzword, ontological shock. Kelly is right when she says we don't know; but we also don't know that this lack of explanation is definitely nefarious. Time will tell. I know her announcement has been met with mixed reactions from the community; some encouraging and others angry. I have no personal opinions at all about another researcher's own journey. I still find her outlook interesting and will continue to follow her career. I wish her and J the best of luck.
See here for background:

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